Brief Answers – thiruvArAdhanam (pUja/worship)

For morning thiruvArAdhanam and sARRumuRai during anadhyayana kAlam, what is the order in which upadhEsa rathina mAlai and thiruvAimozhi nUtrandhAdhi are to be recited?

First upadhEsa rathina mAlai and then thiruvAimozhi nUtrandhAdhi are recited. Same order is for sARRumuRai.

If we are away from home, does the rule of carrying the Lord with us and doing ordained worship apply for photos of bhagavAn too or only for mUrthis?

Only for mUrthis with prathishta or SAlagrAma shila – we have ordained worship.

How to perform pUja of SrI vishvaksEna?

Offering arghya, pAdhya and Achamana can be done. prasAdham of bhagavAn can be offered to vishvaksEna. In sthOthra rathnam, [], 42nd SlOkam glorifies vishvaksEna

thvayA nisrushtAthmabharENa yadhyathA |
priyENa sEnApathinA nyavEdhi thath

One (vishvaksEna) who eats the food remnants of what you (emperumAn) ate, who is placed your burden/responsibility (of managing nithya vibhUthi (spiritual realm) and leelA vibhUthi (material realm)) by you, who is dear to all and you who approves off those actions in the same manner by your merciful glances, whichever actions requested in any manner by such vishvaksEna.

How can I get perumAL to worship at our place? Can I purchase perumAL mUrthis from a dhivyadhEsam and worship in my pUja room?

He will come to us. We just need to keep longing for his arrival. But purchasing with money is not allowed. He will come through some elders or co-SrIvaishNavas.

Whenever we eat fruits, dry fruits, etc., can we offer to SAlagrAma perumAL by opening the box?

Some of us have the habit of keeping kOyilAzhwAr (perumAL sannidhi) open till night and do Sayanam, and then close the doors. In such case, we can offer anytime. If we have the habit of keeping the sannidhi closed immediately after thiruvArAdhanam, then food items can be offered from outside the sannidhi or to perumAL pictures.

Is it mandatory that our thiruvArAdhana perumAL is the same as our AchAryan’s?

No such compulsion.

adiyEn has a small mUrthi of ranganAtha swAmy (not done prathishta). adiyEn will be away from home. Should I take him with me?

It is your choice – no specific ordained worship for vigraha without prathishta – it is only done out of our love.

Can a non-brahmin who does not have yagnOpavItham but has taken pancha samskAram from SrIvaishNavism worship SAlagrAma perumAL?

Yes – without reciting vEdha manthrams, with AzhwAr pAsurams and pUrvachArya sthOthrams, thiruvArAdhanam can be done.

Why is it said that we should not keep ugra rUpam of perumAL like SrI narasimha for thiruvArAdhanam?

I have not seen such statement in SAsthram. Nothing like that – SrI narasimha appeared with ugra form only but was very loving towards prahlAdha. His anger is only towards enemies, not towards devotees.

At our homes, which photo of SrI narasimha perumAL can we keep?

Any picture is fine – even ugra narasimha is fine.

Is it true that just by doing dhivya sAkEtham parikrama, we are doing parikrama of all dhivya dhEsams?

If we have the real bhakthi, that can be said even to our home perumAL.

If we want to keep SrInivAsa perumAL’s vigraham in home, do we need to have it along with SrI and bhU dhEvi together or is SrInivAsa alone enough since Lakshmi is present in the vakshasthala of SrInivAsa?

Ideally, we can have with SrIdhEvi and bhUdhEvi.

Is it mandatory to perform pUjas for nithya sUris or worship lakshminArAyaNa alone is enough?

AchAryas, AzhwArs and nithyasUris can be worshipped along with lakshminArAyaNa. if archA mUrthis are not present for them, pictures can be used. Otherwise, we can worship them mentally before worshipping lakshminArAyaNa.