ரஹஸ்ய க்ரந்தங்கள் (rahasya granthams)

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: 2. What is artha panchakam? Which grantham explains this in detail?https://youtu.be/v5wvwncjAPc?si=lL5pP0ExlrYvaJVC 3. கோவிந்த/நாராயண நாமங்கள் ரக்ஷிப்பது எவ்வாறு என்று விளக்கவும் #govind #narayanhttps://youtu.be/ApmuNBJEMWs?si=Q9wQSGQSncMCHIk3a #nama #protect

rahasya granthams

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: ‘nama:’ meaning in thirumanthram and dhwaya manthram differs. Kindly explain the difference. https://youtu.be/6kZPc4r1KcM?si=lpyflwd3Mze4a3KB 2. It is said that person who knows thirumanthram and dhvayam can tie down bhagavAn. Please explain – https://youtu.be/NxAf1Xn0-XU?si=PphWPpLCxmPKsxG4 3. What are the standard rules for chanting dhvaya mahAmanthram and guruparamparai? https://youtu.be/fNpqFytNE5w 4. charama SlOkam … Read more