Brief Answers – General

What does “jaya SrIman nArAyaNa” indicate? It implies mangaLASAsanam to bhagavAn, since jaya, vAzhi, pORRi etc indicate mangaLASAsanam. But in our SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam, there was no such practice of saying “jaya SrIman nArAyaNa”. “adiyEn rAmAnuja dhAsan” is a reasonably standard way of introducing ourselves and greeting others. Can we throw away spoiled prasAdham? Yes – … Read more

Brief Answers – Philosophical matters

It is said that chaithanya mahAprabhu is an incarnation of rAdhA-krishNa in mahAbhAratham and some SrIvaishNava AchAryas also accept this. How to understand this? SlOkams can be misinterpreted. Authentic SrIvaishNava AchAryas are not saying chaithanya mahAprabhu is an incarnation of rAdhA-krishNa. If some individuals promote other sampradhAya views – it’s on their own personal interest. … Read more

Brief Answers – thiruvArAdhanam (pUja/worship)

For morning thiruvArAdhanam and sARRumuRai during anadhyayana kAlam, what is the order in which upadhEsa rathina mAlai and thiruvAimozhi nUtrandhAdhi are to be recited? First upadhEsa rathina mAlai and then thiruvAimozhi nUtrandhAdhi are recited. Same order is for sARRumuRai. If we are away from home, does the rule of carrying the Lord with us and … Read more

Brief Answers – SrIvaishNava basics (Fundamentals)

Why do vaishNavas wear kamala gatta mAla? yE kaNta lagna thuLasi nalinAksha mAlA; yE bAhu mUla parichinnita sankha chakrA; ye vA lalAta phalakE lasadh Urdhva puNdrA; thE vaishNavA bhuvanam Asu pavithrayanthi.This purANa SlOkam explains who a vaishNava is from a physical appearance perspective and what he does to the place where he lives.One who wears … Read more

Brief Answers – AzhwArs, AchAryas – guru paramparai

Does any AzhwAr have any descendants today? periyAzhwAr has descendants in SrIvillipuththUr. madhurakavi AzhwAr has descendants in AzhwArthirunagari. Both families are engaged in temple kainkaryam. Please explain why thirunArAyaNapuram chellappiLLai is known as kiNaRRangaraik kuzhandhai? The name chellappiLLai itself means sweet/pampered child. bhagavath rAmAnujar went to thirunArAyaNapuram and totally reformed the place after establishing mUla … Read more

Philosophical matters

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: 2. Why bhagavan created some jIvAthmAs to be in samsaram and some to be in vaikuNtam? – 3. Among jIvAthmAs, what qualifies them as nithyas and baddhAs? – 4. Do mukthAthmAs and nithyasUris face obstacles in their kainkaryam? 5. Though rudhra is a devotee of … Read more


SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: 2. Living far away how can we perform AchArya kainkaryam? – 5. What are the qualifications required for preaching to create positive impact on the listener? 6. முக்தி நிலைகள் – விளக்கம் தரவும். முக்தர்கள் பரமாத்வாவுக்கு பண்ணக்கூடிய கைங்கர்யங்கள் எவை? 7. Being in this material world, how can … Read more


SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: 1. We try to be judgemental towards bhAgavathas. How to overcome that? 2. What is the prAyaSchiththam (atonement) for bhAgavatha apachAram? 3. If any SrIvaishNava does any mistake, can we correct them?