What does “jaya SrIman nArAyaNa” indicate?
It implies mangaLASAsanam to bhagavAn, since jaya, vAzhi, pORRi etc indicate mangaLASAsanam. But in our SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam, there was no such practice of saying “jaya SrIman nArAyaNa”. “adiyEn rAmAnuja dhAsan” is a reasonably standard way of introducing ourselves and greeting others.
Can we throw away spoiled prasAdham?
Yes – if prasAdham becomes spoilt, it can be thrown away. But we can try to use it by placing on ground as fertilizer, if possible.
White sugar, brown sugar, palm sugar, kalkaNdu, panangkalkaNdu, nAttu sakkarai, karupatti, jaggery – Is there an order of preference amongst these according to our pUrvAchAryas that can be used/not used in our nithya thaLigai?
Jaggery and nAttu sakkarai are officially allowed. Others are not preferable – especially anything from palm tree, we cannot consume.
Is SrIman nArAyaNa still pleased when we listen to dhivya prabandhams, nArAyaNIyam, etc. even if we don’t understand the meanings?
Yes – language is not relevant – the words of AzhwArs and our AchAryas have great potency. Still, we need to try and learn the language so that we can appreciate the deep meanings.
There are different avathArams of Lord SrIman nArAyaNa. How do we concentrate our mind only on one avathAram of Lord nArAyaNa?
No need to concentrate on one avathAram only – even while reciting pAsurams, sthOthrams during thiruvArAdhanam, they may be for different forms of perumAL – it is ok to let the mind go through different forms of perumAL and experience different emotions.
Sometimes we are scared to go to sleep at night due to frequent unnecessary dreams in the past. Is there any prayer we can do for perumAL and thAyAr for this?
Sleep is considered to be yOga – meditating upon bhagavAn. So, when we go to sleep, we have to think about bhagavAn/AchArya only. If our thoughts towards the end of the day are focused on bhagavath vishayam, naturally such dreams can be avoided.
What is the difference between white chandhan and thirumaN?
thirumaN is prepared from soil in holy dhAms (dhivya dhEsams) such as SrI ayOdhya, thirunArAyaNapuram etc – there is a long process in preparing the solid blocks. I think chandhan is prepared by grinding sandalwood.
What is kOyil thiruvAimozhi?
kOyil thiruvAimozhi is a collection of important padhigams (dhaSakams) from thiruvAimozhi.
Is garuda the primary vAhanam for mahAlakshmi thAyAr too?
There is no separate vAhanam for her – she travels usually with perumAL in garuda. In temples, she has many different vAhanams.
adiyEn was listening to this video about perumAL thIrtham. Should we receive it with vasthram so it won’t fall on the floor? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bZxD7z3wng]
Yes – we should receive with vasthram so that it doesn’t spill on the floor.
adiyEn heard that one of the reasons not to touch eyes, hair etc., after thIrtha prasAdham is, these parts of the body are considered excretory organs and hence should not be touched. Also, is it okay to say Sri SatAri instead of plain SatAri?
prasAdhams such as mAlai, vasthram, thIrtham and food items etc are commonly placed on eyes and head. So, no need to worry about any other aspect. Ideally, we have to say SrI SatAri or SrI SatakOpam.
While mAlai, thIrtham, vasthram and other prasAdhams are all received with vasthram on head or hands, some AchAryars/jIyars are not seen to touch them over eyes or head. Please explain.
They are all received on hands. If they are offered to someone else (like one’s elder, AchArya, etc.) – then they will not place them in eyes, head, etc. If it is directly for them, it is quite common to place them on eyes and head.
What is abhigamana kAlam? What is its significance?
abhigamana kAlam means early morning, when we wake up and do our early morning anushtAnams such as dhyAnam, snAnam, sandhyAvandhanam, etc.
As far as I know – it is part of our everyday routine. vaidhIkas (followers of vEdham) are known as panchakAla parAyaNas – those who split the day into 5 parts and perform the deeds in the apt times.
* abhigamana – waking up and early morning routines
* upAdhAna – gathering materials for thiruvArAdhanam
* ijjA – doing thiruvArAdhanam
* svAdhyAya – engaging in SAsthram/pramANams
* yOgam – going to sleep (dhyAna)
Is there any SlOkam for perumAL that I can chant to get rid of fear and negative thoughts?
Usually, in our sampradhAyam, we recite pAsurams and chant manthrams (specifically guruparamparA manthrams and dhvaya mahA manthram) as kainkaryam only. If we did this sincerely, as a side effect, all negative thoughts and fear will slowly disappear.
Who is thiruvEngadamudaiyAn?
SrInivAsa perumAL in thiruppathi is known as thiruvEngadamudaiyAn.
emperumAn has weapons like Sankham, chakram, gadhai, etc. We do pUja, hOmam and archanai for sudarSana chakram of bhagavAn. It seems there is not much significance for Sankham and gadhai. Please explain swAmy.
sudharSana chakram is the primary weapon. All his weapons are explained as an amSam of chakram. There is also importance given in Agamas for him. Hence, he is worshipped separately also.
What is abhivAdhanam?
It is the process, where we identify our gOthra, sUthra, etc., and our name. This is usually done as a part of vadhIka rituals and also during offering obeisances to elders.
What is the difference between charama SlOkam and thaniyan slOkam?
thaniyan slOkam is a slOkam in glorification of the AchArya. charama SlOkam for a particular person, narrates his ascending to paramapadham, highlighting his identity.
Why does vEdham allow multiple marriages for men and only one for women apart for exceptional cases like that of dhraupathi?
This is how it is defined in SAsthram. If we say it is because men have more strength and more ability to be active for many years (say from 20 years old to 70 years old), some will say even women have more strength etc. Certain things, we just have to accept what is in SAsthram and move on.
How many authentic upanishaths are there? And what are they? What is the pramANam for their authenticity?
Number may not be important – while all sidhdhAnthis accept 10 or so primary upanishaths, different sidhdhAnthis consider different upanishaths as important.
We hear that some changes were brought out in mUlavar in SrIrangam in recent past. Is this true? If yes what exactly happened who changed/try to do it and why would they do it?
During 2015 samprOkshaNam, visible change was the way his thiruvadigaL were laid out. Before they were spread out, now they are close to each other. rangarAjan narasimhan swAmy has documented this issue in detail.
What is the difference between red nAmam and yellow nAmam?
Traditionally, most SrIvaishNavas irrespective of different kalai, use SrIchUrNam (red). Some in vadakalai and few others use turmeric (yellow).
Why during brahmOthsavams in SrIrangam, is namperumAL covered with cloth fully in the front and not adorned with dhOthi unlike adhyayana utsavams or AsthAnams?
namperumAL is considered as very tender and hence not exposed to external atmosphere usually. Inside the temple, it is somewhat controlled environment – so not much covering. Due to his tender nature, if it rains even a little bit, his procession will be cancelled.
Most of us in this day and age of kali yugam are ordinary human beings who are constantly suffering, as our karmas continue to torment us, we even fear that our faith in bhagavAn can shake anytime. Even after surrendering to bhagavAn, we are still struggling for the basic needs of life. What is the way forward for people with such experiences and merely living off making ends meet in this modern world of inflation and soaring prices by the day?
You are not alone in this aspect of suffering. Everyone goes through some kind of suffering – the level and intensity may be different. How can we keep blaming bhagavAn, if we have accumulated so much karma? If we are steadfast in our devotion we will overcome such sufferings. Even if we have to suffer throughout our life – we need to have the heart to face it. Just think about the sufferings of great sages, saints and AchAryas. Even bhagavAn had to go through so much hardship when he was in SrI rAmAvathAram. Imagine bhagavath rAmAnujar who was living in SrIrangam happily with so many disciples – one day had to leave everything and go to mElkOte, with just a few followers. Can we imagine being exiled in forest for 14 years as rAma had to do? Can we imagine losing everything and going to a new place like bhagavath rAmAnujar had to do? Can we imagine losing our eyes like AzhwAn had to go through?
Is it true that pArvathi dhEvi is sister of Lord SrIman nArAyaNa?
In krishNAvathAram, dhurgA came as krishNa’s elder sister. In leelA vibhUthi such relationship between different forms of dhurgA and bhagavAn are shown in SAsthram and pUrvAchAryas’ commentaries.
What is meant by sARRumuRai?
sARRumuRai is the conclusion of any routine – dhivyaprabandha pArAyaNam, vEdha pArAyaNam, kAlakshEapam, etc., will have a concluding portion – that is in known as sARRumuRai.
We generally don’t take photos and videos of “mUla mUrthi”. Is this allowed in ayOdhya because it’s a North Indian temple? Or is it because its followed only in southern dhivya dhEsams?
Yes – in the north, they are not too restrictive about it.
Taking photos of mUla mUrthi is a contentious issue because the purpose is to remain inside and not move around. So, only those who go inside the temple can have his dharSan. Hence, the argument that we should not take photos.
But uthsava mUrthi ventures out to give his dharSan to everyone, for the sake of those who cannot come to have his dharSan. Hence, there is no specific restriction, in general.
But the reality is most of the mUla mUrthis in dhivyadhESams and other temples have already been captured through cameras. It could either be officials or some influential bhaktha or the archaka or kainkaryapara who would have done it. Also, during bAlAlayam there will be more scope for taking pictures.
In those days, before cameras were prevalent, artists would sit and draw based on their grasp of mUla mUrthis – the drawing would mostly be accurate. In one way, these pictures or drawings when well preserved, will help us identify the changes in thirumEni if done.
Is ex-vaishNava aparAdham also a sin?
Hurting anyone unnecessarily through mind, speech and body, is a sin.
There are some instances where we find garudAzhwAr being a mukthAthmA, he himself got hungry to eat a snake and also did some apachAram to perumAL. How do we understand this?
These are leelAs which emperumAn enacts through his dear devotees to derive a particular point. We can also learn how powerful our senses are in binding us from such instances.
Is narasimha avathAra thithi thraoyOdaSi or chathurdhaSi?
It is generally said to be chathurdhaSi.
Why thiruvallikkEni vEnkatakrishNar doesn’t have moustache and wear kavacham after thaila kAppu? Kindly clarify the reason.
It is said that in the past, there was no moustache for mUlavar in thiruvallikkEni and subsequently it was added. Hence, during a few days in a year during thaila kAppu, perumAL actually gives dharSan in his original form. Not sure about the authenticity of this information though.
For my son during this rAhu kEthu peyarchchi, it seems rAhu is not in a good place and will cause harm. He is also having health issues. Is there any parihAram to be done for rAhu? Is there any perumAL temple worship particularly for this situation?
For SrIvaishNavas, there is no involvement with other dhEvathas. Whatever has to happen due to karma, we need to face it boldly and get over with it. We cannot do any parihAram.
In which text or sthOthram, the text “sarva dhESa dhasA kAlEshvavyAhatha parAkramA…” is found?
It is part of our sARRumuRai – a SlOkam recited by our pUrvAchAryas like kUrESa.
In thirunarayUr dhivyadhEsam, pagal paththu and irA paththu is not done during vaikuNta EkAdhasi time. Why is this so?
In few dhivyadhEsams such as SrIrangam, thiruchchERai, SrIperumbhUthUr, thirumazhisai etc., local brahmOthsavams and other important uthsavams take more importance over adhyayana uthsavams. For example, in SrIrangam, thai uthsavam date is more fixed – if adhyayana uthsavam clashes, adhyayana uthsavam will be preponed. thirunaraiyUr may also have the same case.
Please explain about gaNdabEruNda avathAram.
No specific information is available in our pUrvAchArya literature on this avathAram. Also, it seems that none of the sAthvIka purANams talk about this avathAram. Hence, it may not be significant from our sampradhAyam perspective.
Can chandhan (sandal paste) be used as thirumaN?
No. This practice is not in our sampradhAyam.
From where can we purchase thirumaN?
Ideally, we can get from dhivya dhEsams, that too known people.
How is japam generally done?
https://youtu.be/ZWPROr2NRrM – please see this video. japam should be done continuously without keeping count and without any other additional tools. guru paramparai and dhvayam are to be done as japam always, by meditating on their meanings. Some AchAryas in the north follow the practice of chanting on beads – but our pUrvAchAryas did not have such practice.
What is the meaning of dhivya dhampathi?
dhivya dhampathi means divine couple – perumAL and thAyAr.
Is there a grantham that describes the 365 uthsavams of namperumAL? We are told that there is an uthsavam daily.
No daily uthsavam – there are times in SrIrangam when there are no uthsavams. But probably close to 250 days, we have uthsavams – we can find out generally even from the annual calendar/diary released by the dhEvasthAnam.
How to view the different views of different sampradhAyams in sanAthana dharmam?
Different sampradhAyams see things differently, depending on whichever grantham/SAsthram they hold as primary. We can stick to our sampradhAyam which is purely explained based on vEdhAntham.
From which grantham can we get full details about the description of vaikuNta and all of Lord vishNu’s associates in vaikuNta, along with proper knowledge of the vyUha forms?
SrI vaikuNta gadhyam of bhagavadh rAmAnuja.
It is said that pancha dhvAraka isn’t considered a dhivya dhEsam in its entirety. Only three of the dhvAraka temples have mangaLAsAsanams by AzhwArs. Please enlighten us about this.
dhvAraka, ayOdhya, etc., are little different from our south dhivyadhEsams – rather than a particular temple/dhivya mangaLa vigraha, in these north dhivyadhEsams – the whole area is considered as dhivyadhEsam and holy.
Why is there a huge difference in North and South India SrIvaishNava practices?
There are 2 reasons:
1 – distance factor led to disconnect between root (south) and branches (north)
2 – influence of other sampradhAyams in the north. Our sampradhAyam people started following other sampradhAyam practices.
Who can wear the thAmarai (lotus) mAlai?
All vaishNavas can wear.
Can we consume mrithyubhOj (food given after death of someone to society)?
We should not consume.
If thuLasi leaves are there in any prasAdham, can we consume it?
Yes – if thuLasi leaves are there in any prasAdham we can consume as it is.
Where does theppOthsavam take place in SrIrangam?
In the tank in the western side of the town.
How should we celebrate hOli?
Not necessary to celebrate at all. In the south there is no specific celebration – it is a regional celebration.
What is dhavanOthsavam?
dhavanOthsavam is celebrated in thoNdai maNdalam (chennai/kAnchipuram region) generally. There is a type of leafy flower named dhavanam – adiyEn thinks this is what is referred by periyAzhwAr as “thamanagam”. During this uthsavam, the maNdapam, palanquin, etc., will be decorated with this dhavanam fully – it has a cooling effect.
perumAL will go to the maNdapam (inside or outside the temple, varies in different temples) – stay there for some time, have thirumanjanam and sEvAkAlam (goshti). After that, perumAL will return to his sannidhi.
Was the temple in rAmESwaram installed by SrI rAma?
rAmESwaram temple was not installed by SrI rAma. That is a fake story. There is no mention about it in vAlmIki rAmAyaNam which is the primary source for rAma’s history.
Can ‘rAma charitha mAnasa’ be considered a primary source?
‘rAma charitha mAnasa’ cannot be considered as a primary source.
Does the ‘SuklAmbaradharam’ SlOkam, refer to ganESa?
In the SlOkam itself, it is ‘SuklAmbaradharam vishNum’ – so it refers to vishNu alone.
Can anger be a good emotion depending on context?
As per the context, there is sAmAnya dharmam (general rules) and viSEsha dharmam (specific for/with vaishNavas). In general, anger may be okay in some cases, but as vaishNavas, we should try to eliminate anger.
Why are SUdhras not eligible to get upanayanam, and can only brAhmaNas perform yagyam?
That is what SAsthram says – SUdhras can remain without yagyOpavItham and still make progress spiritually and succeed in this world also.
Also, brAhmaNas can perform yagyam for self and others. kshathriyas and vaiSyas can perform yagyam for self alone.
Please explain the significance of mAsi magam and why perumAL goes on thIrthavAri on that specific day?
In general, on parva kAlam (amAvAsyai, paurNami, etc.) one can touch the sea-water. On other days, one should not touch sea water. mAsi month is also known mAga mAsa – it has some relation with maga nakshathram. The mAsi magam (and specifically paurNami thithi) is when perumAL goes to the seashore and enjoys thIrthavAri along with all the bhakthas. In different dhivyadhEsams, this is celebrated differently – especially in dhivyadhEsams which are close to seashore – this is celebrated nicely.
Who is mAyAdhEvi? Is she a form of mahAlakshmi thAyAr or dhurga dhEvi? If she is dhurga dhEvi, then why is it said that bhagavAn is mAyApathi, since dhurga dhEvi is the wife of Siva?
dhurga is referred as mAyA often. mAyA has different meanings – it means “amazing” also – in which case mAyApathi could mean husband of amazing lakshmi. But I have not heard mAyApati name for vishNu.
Do AchAryas hold divine power like seeing us and our actions from a distance to guide us or forgive our pApam? Do we need to go and confess our sins once in a while?
AchArya/Sishya relationship is explained already in few videos. In our sampradhAyam, we don’t believe in magic, sidhdhi, etc. AchAryas, due to deep realisations in SAsthram, will be able to identify problems faced by Sishyas quickly – because of their calmness, devotion and intelligence. But for that to happen there must be some communication channel between AchArya and Sishya. Our sins are forgiven and eliminated by bhagavAn – AchArya pleads for the Sishyas’ protection to bhagavAn.
When reciting the first line of a dhivya prabandham, why do we omit the initial words, as in ‘thingaL’ instead of ‘marghazhi thingaL’? Is this only for dhivya prabandham or any other sthOthrams?
The concept is – AchAryan will commence and we will follow. So, it is the practice in some dhivyadhEsams and mutts that we will leave the first two words and then proceed. Usually, this practice is seen only for dhivyaprabandhams.
Is vAyu purANam and Siva purANam considered the same? Are both names referring to the same purANam or are they entirely different purANams?
They should be different from each other.
What is the difference between vEdham and SAsthram?
SAsthram means that which ordains. vEdham is the primary SAsthram. So, SAsthram is overall collection of various works including vEdham.
Did SrI rAma consume meat in the forest?
There is a statement in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 36.41 “namAmsam rAghavO bhungthE nachApi madhu sEvathE” (he is neither indulging in meat nor in alcohol). We know he did not consume meat while in separation of sIthAp pirAtti. I am not aware of statement saying when he had meat.
Why is chandra pushkaraNi small in size? While we compare it to various other pushkariNis, the chandra pushkariNi is smaller in terms of size, while we still call it periya pushkariNi?
It is said that chandra pushkariNi was much bigger in size in the past. Not sure about the small size right now.
How did virajA river manifest?
virajA nadhi is always there between vaikuNta and samsAra.
Why do different vaishNava sampradhAyam have different brahmANdam chart?
Different sources may be used and different interpretations of sources may be the reason for the differences in the brahmANdam chart.
Do we have a vaikuNta chart?

Bottom portion has archirAdhi mArgam, above which virajA river and above which SrIvaikuNtam.
How are material world and vaikuNta connected?
Material world and vaikuNta are connected by virajA nadhi.
Some purANas mention that SrI rAma blesses hanumAn to become brahma in the next kalpa? Is this correct?
There is no specific discussion in our pUrvAchAryas’ granthams on this topic.
For most of the uthsavars, eyes are not clearly depicted and it appears like they are closed. Are they closed or do we consider they are open only?
We can consider uthsavars’ eyes as open.
What is the difference between dhivya dhEsam and abhimAna sthalam?
dhivyadhESam is an abode which is sung by AzhwArs in their dhivyaprabandhams. abhimAna sthalam is an abode which is liked by a particular AchArya from the past.
Should kannikAdhAnam must be performed by a SrIvaishNava to their daughter?
Yes. kannikAdhAnam must be performed by a SrIvaishNava to their daughter.
Is ghUnghat (veil) a sanAthana dharmic practice?
veil is not a SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam practice.
Will vishNu sahasranAmam help improve concentration and attention in kids?
Yes – learning some SlOkams and pAsurams, will be of great help to increase their memory/focus.
What words can be used in place of ‘achO’ or ‘ayyO’? Can we use rAma rAma?
Yes. While we should not use those words frequently, there is nothing wrong in using them in great grief.
Can we consider non SrIvaishNavas as bhAgavathas?
Non-SrIvaishNavas cannot be considered as bhAgavathas.
Did pArvathi get pancha samskAram?
There is no specific discussion about that in our pUrvAchArya works.
Can we consider other school of vaishNavas as bhAgavathas?
We can consider other school of vaishNavas as bhAgavathas if they are exclusively vishNu bhakthas.
Are all vaishNava schools vishNu sarvOththama prathipAdhya?
Should SrIvaishNavas worry about travel on bharaNi, kArthigai?
Is SvEtha dhvIpam the highest lOkam in this brahmANdam? What type of mOksham is there in SvEthadhvIpam i.e., is it sAyujya or its equivalent? And like in sampradhAyam, anantha kOti brahmANdam are accepted. So, is there any lOkam of perumAL beyond this brahmANdam and below virajA river?
SvEtha dhvIpam is part of brahmANda only – it is likely a region in the kshIrAbdhi. those who are ready to be liberated are said to be living there. There is no specific lOkams outside brahmANdam and below virajA.
Does each brahmANdam has its own lOkams and kshIrAbdhi?
Is sankarshaNa perumAL himself or AdhisEsha?
perumAL himself. He is one of the four vyUha forms.
What is the meaning of santhai?
santhai means systematic, step by step learning process.
Is re-marriage an authentic practice as per SAsthram?
Is it ok to participate in sudharshana hOmam in temples done in the evening time. Heard it should be done in morning time only. What is the right way?
For SrIvaishNavas, these hOmams are not priority. If possible, it can be attended. We should focus more on learning dhivyaprabandhams and rahasya granthams, along with their meanings in a systematic manner, and putting these principles into practice in real life.
What does bhAgavatham say about killing one self – i.e., taking their own life?
In general, suicide is a forbidden act.
Can we prostrate before cow?
No. SrIvaishNavas don’t need to prostrate before cow.
Can we perform inter-varna marriage if the groom and bride (SrIvaishNavas) are different varnas?
No. Even if they are SrIvaishNavas, inter-varNa marriage is not allowed. Exchange of knowledge and treating respectfully are the two points of emphasis. Beyond that varNa dharmam should be respected.
Which granthams glorify mahAlakshmi?
Generally, in dhivya prabandhams – there are many places where her glories are revealed. chathu: SlOkI, SrI sthavam, SrI guNa rathna kOsham, etc., are good sources.
Did karuppuswAmy save thirumAlirunchOlai from malayAla manthrika incident?
These may be folklore and there may have been incidents where such persons may have been instrumental in saving the temple at some point of time. There is no specific evidence from SAsthram for these narrations, as far as I know.
Why do people say har har gangE? Is this a SrIvasihNava practice?
Since gangA was held by rudhra in his matted hair, it is said as such. It is not a SrIvaishNava practice to say as such.
Is the correct way to read SrI bhagavath gItha the same as attending kAlakshEpam? Should we be wearing dhvAdhasa Urdhva puNdram, sitting down on the ground and clothes according to our varNASrama?
At all times, we should be in proper vaishNava attire only. When we have to go to office or school – we are unable to wear our vaishNava attire – hence we are wearing them. Often, we see gruhastha who go to temple or upanyAsam in kachcham, change it immediately after reaching home. Similarly, brahmachAris, women et al, change clothes immediately possible. But such practice is not good.
How to utilise the gandham from thirumala, which was received after kalyAnOthsavam?
gandham can be applied a little bit ourselves daily and distributed to others as well.
Is it correct that for chakkarathAzhwAr vigrahams’ front side it is sudharshana and back side is yOga narasimha? For chakkarathAzhwar should we do pUja from front or back because back we have narasimha?
Yes – chakkarathAzhwAr is front side. chakkarathAzhwar is the presiding deity hence he can be worshipped from front.
AchAryas perform pushpa samASrayaNam to provide eligibility for young/ unmarried girls to recite thiruvAimozhi. Is it best to get that done at early age? Once they get married, will they need another samASrayaNam with husband?
Yes – it can be done at early age. Even proper samASrayaNam can be done for young girls as it is done by some AchAryas. It is not necessary to have 2nd samASrayaNam, if already done.
What is the meaning of the thirunAmam hArdAnudrIhIthan?
hArdAnudrIhIthan means one who remains in the heart and blesses.
When performing prANAyAmam, what is the procedure for breathing in and out?
As per prANAyAmam, we have to exhale through right nostril, inhale through left nostril, hold it, exhale through right nostril.
Why in some dhivya dhEsams perumAL are covered half with a curtain. And why perumAL wasn’t wearing nAmam on forehead?
In many dhivya dhEsams, after jyEshtAbhishEkam, mUlavar thirumEni (form) will be anointed with oil and not be available for dharSan fully. This is an annual procedure. And around pavithrOthsavam, usual dharSan will resume.
What is prayOga chakra?
When perumAL holds the chakram in a launching posture, it is called as prayOga chakra. Example is namperumAL in SrIrangam kOyil.
Do all jIvAthmAs in vaikuNtam have four hands and hold chakram?
Not all jIvAthmAs will have four hands and chakram. Some will acquire such forms with four hands. Some will have feminine forms. Some will have animal, bird forms also. vaikuNtam is for the pleasure of bhagavAn and he will engage mukthAthmAs in whichever way he likes. Fundamental understanding is – vaikuNtam is not a place for our enjoyment. It is a place for bhagavAn’s enjoyment fully and we become totally existing for his purpose only. There is no concept of “I”, “me” etc there. There it is all about “SrImahAlakshmi and SrIman nArAyaNa”.
In vaikuNtam, some jIvAthmAs have four hands, some take different forms. What is the reason for the differences?
The different forms are based on perumAL’s desire and no one can explain his desire fully.
What is the importance of mahAlaya amAvAsya in our sampradhAyam?
mahAlaya paksha has intent towards worldly well-being. Hence it is not pursued by SrIvaishNavas belonging to thenkalai branch, generally.
Should we sleep in a particular direction?
Ideally east/west. But if there is lack of space, other options can be used.
Are we allowed to take medicines that have ingredients that are prohibited as per AhAra niyamam?
As per our sampradhAyam, our anushtAnam is more important. But, if one takes medicine to take care of one’s body for engagement in kainkaryam, it is individual’s choice. Any medicine for that matter, will contain many forbidden ingredients. So, it can be left to the individual to choose.
Is there any significance of Adi perukku for SrIvaishNava temples and uthsavams? Anything that prapannas should do at home during thiruvArAdhanam?
In certain dhivyadhESams, there is specific celebration at the temple. As in SrIrangam, namperumAL goes to ammA maNdapam, stays there for some time and offers vasthram, garland etc to kAvErith thAyAr, and returns to temple. On the way, he exchanges garland with ANdAL nAchchiyAr in veLi ANdAL sannidhi. Nothing specific for us at home. It is a festival to honour water-bodies. It is a socio-cultural event which is nicely celebrated in villages.
Who is qualified to have yagyOpavItham?
Male members who are born in brAhmaNa, kshathriya, vaiSya families only.
Is there any significance of araiyars starting first pAsuram, followed by recital by others during brahmOthsavam (thiruvAdipUram) festival. Other than SrIvilliputhUr, do any other temples follow the same?
This procedure is followed in AzhwArthirunagari, SrIvilliputhUr and SrIrangam (in some sannidhis). It’s a way to honour the araiyars and at the same time giving kainkaryam opportunity for adhyApakas.
Why is krishNa ashtami called SrI jayanthi?
Based on the time krishNa was born, that combination of rOhiNi nakshathram, ashtami thithi etc, is said to be very unique and itself is called as “jayanthi”. Hence his birth is popularly known as “SrI jayanthi”
What is kumara dhaNdam?
kumara dhaNdam means huge crowd.
Did our pUrvAchAryas write about sthrI and purusha dharmams/karthavyams?
They are generally covered in dharma shastrams. Our pUrvachAryas specifically addressed SrIvaishNavas conduct.
How long does birth theettu last when child is born in paternal relation?
Depends on the relationship. If it is within 7 generations and child is a boy, it will be 10 days. Otherwise, it will probably be 3 days. Also, ASoucham applies irrespective of where the relationship (family member) lives (that is within the same household or separately in different place).
What are the most important padhigams from nAchchiyAr thirumozhi, that can be recited during thiruvAdi pUram?
All padhigams are important. However, if not possible to recite entirely, 1st padhigam, vAraNamAyiram and last 2 padhigams can be recited.
Can we wear our parent’s personal items (like clothes and jewellery) once they have deceased or does this hinder their journey?
There is no restriction to use or wear the clothes/jewels used by the deceased.
Did ANdAL travel from SrIvilliputhUr to SrIrangam to marry namperumAL? How long did ANdAL live?
ranganAtha bhagavAn wished to marry ANdAL and ordered periyAzhwAr to bring ANdAL to SrIrangam. Subsequently, ranganAtha and ANdAL return to SrIvilliputhUr in archA form and stays there. She was only 5 years old when all these happened.
Does SrIvilliputhUr have another name as thillinagar?
No – this name has not been heard of in the past.
When is garudAzhwar thirunakshathram celebrated?
Adi swAthi.
Is suthak for girl child’s and male child’s birth same?
For the parents and paternal grandparents – it is the same whether boy or girl child is born. But for others, less days of ASoucham for girl child.
Which dhivyadhESam kOyil has brahmOthsavam during SrIjayanthi?
thirukkOvalUr dhivyadhESam has brahmOthsavam during SrIjayanthi.
Can brahmOthsavam be done for 21- or 27-days celebration or should it be done only for 9 days like in most temples?
This depends upon each temple’s practice according to Agama SAsthram.
In which ocean did hiraNyAksha hide bhUmA dEvi?
There are 2 versions –> 1) ocean of deluge, and bhagavAn rescues the earth, 2) hiraNyAksha takes earth to pAthALa water, and bhagavAn rescues from there.
Why thirumala and SrIrangam has variance in number of days for adhyayana uthsavam?
Each temple has minor variations, specialities etc. For example, in SrIrangam alone, the day before adhyayana uthsavam starts usually in other places, thirunedundhANdakam is recited to mark the commencement in SrIrangam.
What is the history of sugrIvan and angadhan replacing jaya vijaya as dhvArapAlakas for periya perumAL?
This is incorrect version. Even in SrIrangam they are jaya vijaya as dhvArapAlaka.
Does nappinnai pirAtti have a sannidhi in any dhivyadhESam koyil?
neeLA dhEvi is present in some dhivyadhESams such as AzhwArthirunagari, in archA form.
Why do we experience state of having no emotions? Why do we experience state of emptiness, detachment and other negative thoughts?
Unlike in different adhvaitha mathams, where they emphasise on meditation, focussing on nothing, becoming free from bodily thoughts, etc., in our sampradhAyam, there is emphasis on systematic learning of artha panchakam and rahasya thrayam through grantha kAlakshEpams, getting proper guidance from an AchArya and engaging in kAlakshEpams and kainkaryams. These kinds of feelings such as emptiness, detachment etc, are possibly due to lack of sathsangam. And many such feelings could just be hallucination. Being in a good group of matured devotees, we can relish bhagavath anubhavam, without lust, anger, greed etc. This is the ideal way to shape ourselves in our sampradhAyam.
Did krishNa show four hands to his friend in gOkul?
Our AchAryas have explained that it is only for unfavourable (those who are hostile towards perumAL) persons, krishNa will show two hands. But for his devotees, he will show four hands, when he desires to do so. In general, he lives with two hands only but for his devotees he will manifest special visions.
Did emperumAn SrI krishNan appeared in current – 28th chathur yuga cycle or previous cycle?
krishNAvathAram is said to have happened in this chathur yuga.
Can a non SrIvaishNava by birth perform nithyAnusandhAnam? Can they recite guru paramparA thaniyans?
Yes. As long as they have the intent of getting pancha samskAram. Without that intent, just chanting our paramparA SlOkams, have no purpose.
Can we partake curd/yogurt after sunset?
There are general rules that we should not take milk in morning and curd in night. But they are not strictly followed both in temple and at home, these days.
Can we put Indian flag behind udayavar?
Not a good idea to mix the two. We shouldn’t bind jagadhAchArya to worldly boundary.
Is kauSika gOthram and viSvAmithra gOthram same?
No, they are different gOthrams.
Why yAgam got disrupted when asura gives Ahuthi of meat as in yAgam, bali is allowed?
Not all kinds of meat are allowed. Only certain types of bali are accepted in yAgam- specific for that yAgam.
Why isn’t hanumAn addressed as hanumAn AzhwAr?
In general, AzhwAr means one who is immersed in bhagavAn. Even hanumAn is immersed in SrIrAma – but he is not given that title.
If perumAL sannidhi (facing the correct direction) is in a room which has attached bathroom, is it advisable to move the sannidhi to another area even though the other area may not have the correct recommended directions?
Yes – it can be done. In such situations, we don’t have much control. We need to see the best option and place for perumAL sannidhi there. Better to avoid having perumAL sannidhi opposite to bathroom.
Is kumbAbhishEkam and samprOkshaNam the same?
samprOkshaNam is the term generally used in vaishNava sampradhAyam. Others use the term kumbAbhishEkam. But the meaning is almost the same.
As a devotee of perumAL how to overcome guilt of past mistakes?
We should try to seek forgiveness from perumAL and try to develop our gyAna, bhakthi, vairAgyam with proper guidance. That will help us engage more with perumAL and stop us from making similar mistakes in future.
When is hayagrIva perumAL’s thirunakshathram?
AvaNi SravaNam.
How valid is skandha purANam for vaishNavas?
Any purANa – the sections which align with sAthvika purANa will be accepted. The sections which are contradictory to sAthvika purANa will be ignored.
In vaishNavism, is there anything like keeping chakram and worshipping perumAL?
chakkarathAzhwAr is worshipped in many temples with proper vigraha prathishtA. chakkarathAzhwAr worshipped in his sannidhi. In place of perumAL, he goes for thIrthavAri.
In kumbhakOnam chakrapAni temple, do we need to consider it as separate temple for chakkarathAzhwAr? Or is it perumAL who appears in the form of chakram?
Here – it is perumAL himself appearing in chakra form.
Does araiyar sEvai happen in kOyil? Can prapannas watch as well?
Yes – during adhyayana uthsavam – all can watch it for 20 days. Before rEvathi thirumanjanam also thirumAlai is recited by araiyar.
During perumAL puRappAdu, does araiyar swamy also come? Is this applicable during all uthsavams including panguni uthram and monthly EkAdhasi thirumanjanam too?
Yes. There are other occasions too.
Can we call ourselves adiyEn/bhAgavatha without pancha samskAram?
Yes – the bhAvam/mood is important. Certainly, adiyEn can be said by everyone, since that is the natural position of all AthmAs. If one truly considers oneself as an exclusive devotee of vishNu, one can be considered as a bhAgavatha.
Any specific prabandham and pAsurams that we can learn and dwell upon during Sri Jayanthi?
periyAzhwAr thirumozhi can be recited as much as possible.
Does kaNNinuN siRuththAmbu prabandham glorify krishNa?
Yes – in the first pAsuram itself, madhurakavi AzhwAr glorifies krishNa and then goes on to glorify nammAzhwAr.
What can we do for the non-initiated person in SrivaishNava sampradhAyam who is deaf and unable to do anything and they are old and on their death bed?
We can pray for the well-being of the AthmA and even request emperumAn to engage that person into nithya kainkaryam either at the end of this life or even after subsequent births.
How to celebrate SrI jayanthi if someone had death on janmAsthami thithi?
Depends on how close that relative is – if it is a relative whose death will bring us ASoucham, then no SrI jayanthi celebration by us.
Why do we call krishNa’s thirunakshathram as SrI jayanthi?
The combination of ashtami thithi, rOhiNi nakshathra and the midnight time he was born is very unique and itself has the name “jayanthi” – since it relates to bhagavAn, SrI is added.
What is thaptha mudhrA?
Having Sankha/chakra impressions through heat on the shoulders.
Does our sampradhAyam allow organ donation?
If we are in emergency, we are willing to accept blood/organs from others. Hence if someone is willing to donate on compassion grounds, it should be OK. Not sure about SAsthram perspective – since these were not common back then. Though there are rare situations like Sibi chakravarthy giving his flesh.
Since the dhivyadhEsam thirukkaLvanUr is inside kAmAkshi temple, how did thirumangai AzhwAr go inside that temple?
Temple sannidhis and positions change over time. In many dhivyadhESams, many changes have happened over time.
Can we offer sAmandhi (marigold) flower to perumAL?
Usually, it is better to avoid fragrance-less flowers.
In which dhivyadhESam, AdhivarAhar perumAL is inside the kAmakshi temple?
thirukkaLvanUr is the dhivyadhESam – AdhivarAhar is the perumAL. He is present nowadays inside the kAmAkshi temple. A replica of the same was recently placed in yathOkthakAri temple. Same with nilAththingaL thuNdaththAn perumAL who is present in EkAmbarESvarar temple and having replica in yathOkthakAri temple.
Is it compulsory for us to learn dhivya prabandham from only samASrayaNa AchArya or we can learn from other AchAryas of our sampradhAyam?
Yes – we can see from bhagavath rAmAnuja’s life itself. Though periya nambi was his direct samASrayaNa AchArya, he learnt from many other AchAryas – thirukkOshtiyUr nambi, thirumAlai ANdAn, thiruvarangap perumAL araiyar and periya thirumalai nambi, mainly. He gave all of them equal respect and service. It has been the tradition in our sampradhAyam subsequently in the case of many AchAryas, to learn in this manner. We do need to ensure that the person from whom we learn comes in an authentic gyAna paramparai.
Is the quote ‘treat the person as they treated you’ as per dharma and was such an advice given by krishNa in SrI gIthA?
There is no such mention in SrI gIthA. We need to be magnanimous and do good to even who was not good to us – that is the real SrIvaishNava quality.
How many generations must be crossed without upanayana for one to be considered as vrathya? If one is vrathya, does that mean that they have lost their varNa? And is it possible for one to undergo vrAthyasthOma to re-admit themselves into varNASrama dharma?
It gets very complicated – this is why in general, in kali yuga, we see brAhmaNa – non-brAhmaNa classification, in a prevalent manner. Even kshathriyas and vaiSyas who get yagyOpavItham are not following vaidhIka duties, to a large extent. In fact, same can be said for brAhmaNas also. As SrIvaishNavas, we should focus on getting pancha samskAram and taking direct guidance from knowledgeable AchAryas and maintaining our anushtAnams with the guidance of the AchAryas. This will solve most of the problems, at an individual level. As far as the SrIvaishNava and sanAthana dharma society concerned, mutual respect and co-operation are largely required – only with such understanding, various problems we see these days, will reduce. If individuals try to dominate based on caste, community etc, that will only lead to larger problems in future.
What is the meaning of kAlakshEpam?
kAlakshEpam means systematic study of pUrvAchArya granthams, with an AchArya/Scholar reading out the actual commentary and explaining it word by word, as a lecture. Ideally the disciple who is listening should have the text and follow word by word. Ideally, the AchArya should go through the particular section of the grantham before the session to ensure he is speaking contextually with clarity. And the Sishya should do the same after the session to ensure he understood clearly.
If a bhAgavatha does dhEvathA worship knowingly or unknowingly, is there possibilities of rising materialistic aspirations?
Yes – dhEvathAnthara bhajanam will lead to seeking worldly enjoyment.
What is difference between Achamanam of adhvijas and dhvijas?
dhvijas can recite as manthram, adhvijas can recite just the nAmam.
Can we step on kulasEkhara padi or cross over it?
kulasEkhara padi is the one which is at the entrance of garbhagruham. Other than archakas and kainkaryaparas, no one will cross it. They have to avoid stepping on it anyway.
Can adhvijas read translations of vEdham, upanishaths, and brahma sUthrams because reading translations of the texts supposedly qualifies as learning the texts indirectly?
Everyone is qualified to understand the meanings of vEdham, vEdhAntham through proper kAlakshEpam. It is recommended that SrIvaishNavas focus on dhivya prabandham, rahasya granthams and their commentaries first. There is not much use just understanding some random portion of vEdhas. But they have to be studied in context of our sampradhAyam, with proper guidance.
Are all 18 purANas written by ganESa just like mahAbhAratham?
No. Even there is no concrete evidence that mahAbhAratham was written by ganESa.
In SrIrAma parivAr, why is position of sIthA pirAtti on right side of rAma?
Wife should be on the right side, in general. That is the vaidhIka practice. That is why, we see SrI mahAlakshmi on the right side of SrIman nArAyaNa. Same with sIthAp pirAtti on the right of SrI rAma, rukmiNip pirAtti on the right of krishNa.
Can we get shastiyabdhapUrthi and sadhAbhishEkam?
60th, 80th etc can be used to honour SrIvaishNavas, AchAryas. But it should not be done in a materialistic way as a repeat of wedding ceremony.
What is AchArya’s dharma pathnI called?
Usually for AchArya’s dharma pathnI, ammangAr term is used. In other cases, we can prefix SrImathi with the name, that is sufficient.
Is SrI dhanvanthari avathAram a pUrNAvathAram?
Can women apply SrIchUrNam using upakaraNangaL (tools)?
If possible, they can apply using index finger only.
Can we use any of the other fingers to apply Urdhva puNdram?
mOksham seekers should use index finger only for applying Urdhva puNdram.
Is it allowed to take head bath on EkAdhaSi day?
Not like that. Every day we should have head bath only.
Should a thridhaNdi sanyAsi take dhIksha only from thridhaNdi sanyAsi?
Yes – usually, it must be received from another sanyAsi. In exceptional cases like in the case of bhagavath rAmAnuja, bhagavAn himself bestowed sanyAsa ASramam.
Did ranganAtha perumAL appear as the son of kAvEri or the son-in-law of kAvEri (river)?
Not specifically – but it is said that kAvEri is like mother-in-law for perumAL.
Can kanyAs of dhEsika sampradhAyam wear SrIchUrNam and thirumaN before marriage?
Can we wear thirumaN before samASrayaNa or only after samASrayaNa?
Before also it can be worn.
Should we wear thirunAmam on all 12 places daily or only in the forehead?
Before samASrayaNa, only on forehead.
What is the significance to offer pattu vasthram to perumAL?
Silk is considered as a commodity which is special and pure. That is why it is used in vaidhIka rituals. But it was not rampant in the past, since there was no mass-production like nowadays.
How many days ASoucham for women if their uncle’s son dies?
1.5 days
Did AzhwArs or pUrvAchAryas mention about meat eating?
In general, SAsthram recommends consumption of sAthvika food to acquire sathva guNam. Consumption of meat will increase rajo/thamo guNam only. Hence it is to be avoided. This is the view of pUrvAchAryas as well.
Why do uthsavar and mUlavar thirumEnis have different thilakam?
In most cases, mUlavar would adorn thirumaN/SrIchUrNam. But for uthsavar, it is kasthUri thilakam or sometimes different types of stones. As per Agamam, both mUlavar and uthsavar can be adorned with thirumaN/SrIchUrNam.
Why does anantha padmanAbha perumAL have one hand over Siva lingam?
It is believed to be recent addition and not an age-old tradition. In any case, it could be seen as bhagavAn blessing rudhra.
Why does perumAL appear in different postures in dhivya dhESams?
bhagavAn comes in different postures to attract different AthmAs who have different inclination/taste.
In vaikuNtam, do mukthAthmAs take a body to perform kainkaryam?
Yes – not just one body, but based on the desire of bhagavAn, each AthmA may take many bodies to serve bhagavAn in different ways.
Where is panRiAzhwAn sannidhi located in SrI rangam?
The area is where maNavALa mAmunigaL’s thiruvarasu (brindhAvanam) is present. But no visible/active sannidhi there.
Why AzhwArs choose thamizh language to sing dhivya prabandhams even though samskrutham is called dhEva bhAshai and spoken more in olden days?
It is purely by the will of bhagavAn and the mercy of AzhwArs, we got dhivya prabandhams in thamizh. While these pAsurams are filled with deep philosophy, they are also touched with great love – that is the speciality.
When reading the translated versions of original books, do we get the same amount of puNyam of reading the original book?
Materialistic people will focus on puNyam, etc., as results. Those who are surrendered to bhagavAn, study to become better realised about self and engage in kainkaryam in a better way.
If we get invited for getting thAmbUlam in sumangali pUjA (not lakshmI, some other dhEvatha), can we go?
As SrIvaishNavas, we should not go.
Is it permitted in our sampradhAyam for an AchArya to directly become sanyAsi from brahmachAri without passing through gruhastha and vAnaprastha ASramas?
Yes – ponnadikkAl jIyar (1st vAnamAmalai jIyar), 1st embAr jIyar were like that.
Is it required for all to wear shikha? If so, why did SrI rAmA, krishNa, and other mahatmAs throughout history not wear shikha?
We are just seeing what is shown in movies/serials. But traditionally, they would have had shikha properly.
What was rAma’s age when sUrpaNakA vadham took place?
Possibly around 38 years. It is said that SrI rAmA went to forest when he was 25 years old.
How do we interpret the depictions of a clean shaved rAmA we usually see in photos and movies?
Clean shaven face is often presented in vigrahams and paintings – but that is not accurate in reality. It is just a point of time representation – they would not be clean shaven always. Same is applicable for AzhwArs/AchAryas vigrahams and images too.
Is it true that when rAma married sIthA, he was 12 and sIthA was 6 years old?
Can women give hair as we usually see happens in thirumala?
It must not be done at all.
Is it ok to do prArthanai to give hair to perumAL at thirumala?
Such prArthanai should not be done in the first place. If someone had done such prayer – they can ask for forgiveness and withdraw.
What does SAsthram say about doing business in food industry? And why?
Selling food itself is not a good occupation as per SAsthram and we should not buy cooked food for money. When anything done as business for money, mind will go towards profit making, rather than service. In the past, there will be choultries in every town where free food will be provided. Similarly, in temples also, prasAdham will be provided for free, fully. Hence there was no need to pay for food. Even functions like wedding, etc., food will be prepared by relatives only – people will gather and help each other – this was the norm till about 40 – 50 years ago. But then things changed rapidly and selling food for money became one of the biggest business models.
What is the speciality of Saturday? And how it is connected with perumAL?
Every day is special for perumAL.
What is the speciality of purattAsi month? Why it is so special for SrI vaishNavas?
Since purattAsi thiruvONam is thirunakshathram for many perumALs it is special.
Which pAsurams in thiruvAimozhi refer to thiruvEnkatamudaiyAn?
thiruvAimozhi 3.3, thiruvAimozhi 6.10, periya thirumozhi 1.8 to 2.1, perumAL thirumozhi – UnERu selvaththu, nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – kArkOdal pUkkAL. Many other individual pAsurams.
For the prArthanai we had with other dhEvathAs before following SrI vaishNava sampradhAyam, if we fulfill the prayers to any perumAL will it fulfill the prayers that we had prayed to other dhEvathAs?
Yes – bhagavAn being the antharyAmi of all dhEvathAs, is the one who accepts the prayers and grants the benefits. Hence, we don’t need to do anything for our past prayers, after becoming a SrIvaishNava.
Is it true that some nakshathra people should avoid certain kshEthrams?
Actually, it is better to avoid astrologers. All vishNu kshEthrams and dhivyadhESams are dear to bhagavAn and hence dear to us as well. The role of astrologers is limited to marking panchAngam and timings for sannidhi/temple kramams and auspicious times for functions, etc. Over dependence on astrologers, is not good for SrIvaishNavas.
If someone unknowingly pets a dog and got to know that we should not have them as pets, what is the best thing to do?
Accept SrIpAdha thIrtham from AchArya.
What is the meaning of perumAL’s name ‘achyutha’?
achyutha means one who does not let go of his devotees.
How to maintain brass and silver vigrahams at home?
Usually brass and copper can be rubbed with tamarind, lemon and salt combination.
Can we use the store bought pIthAmbari powder for maintaining silver vigrahams?
It is better to avoid for vigrahams. Probably for silver utensils, it can be used.
What is the method of visiting thirumalai? Should we go to gOvindharAjan sannidhi before or after visiting SrInIvAsa perumAL?
First thiruchAnUr, then at thirumalai foot hill place called AzhwAr thIrtham, at thirumalai – varAha perumAL, thiruvEnkatamudaiyAn and then udayavar. This is the old system. gOvindharAja perumAL can be visited before or after.
As adhvijas, if we read an article from koyil.org that has vEdha vAkyam, what do we do?
We cannot read them out loudly – but can be observed and heard.
Is horoscope matching mandatory for marriages in sanAthana dharma?
No. It’s not mandatory. If both families have good understanding, they can proceed with the marriage for the boy and the girl. With proper guidance of elders, if the boy and girl understand the purpose of marriage, they can overcome the troubles they may face.
Is harE krishNa manthram authentic?
It will not be considered as a manthram in SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam.
Is thirupathi laddu, prasAdham? Do all laddus go for naivEdhyam to perumAL?
The laddus sold or given outside, are not after naivEdhyam for perumAL. So, we cannot consider that as prasAdham. Those who follow AhAra niyamam will not eat them.
Which manthram can we recite if we are scared?
Just the nAmam of narasimha is sufficient.
Can someone take dhIkshA or sanyAsa from photo of AchArya if the AchArya is vaikuNtavAsi?
These are not ideal ways.
Is sincerely asking perumAL for forgiveness considered as a prAyaSchiththam?
Not in all cases. Because everyone will just start doing that. In certain harmless acts which does not need any specific remedy to reverse the situation, and which are done only through mind, simply seeking forgiveness from perumAL, accepting SrIpAdha thIrtham of AchArya are acceptable.
Who is vikanasa maharishi?
vikanasa maharishi is the propagator of vaikAnasa Agama based on the orders of bhagavAn.
Why perumAL likes alankAram, and during thirumanjanam why turmeric is used?
perumAL is generally known as alankArapriya. He is the most beautiful personality, and he decorates himself for the sake of his devotees. Turmeric as part of thirumanjanam has a soothing effect and hence used everywhere.
Why is brahmOthsavams celebrated during navarAthri?
purattAsi SravaNam is perumAL’s thirunakshathram and hence it is celebrated as brahmOthsavam in a few temples.
As per rAmAyaNam, hanumAn crossed 100 yOjanas across the sea, but present day SrIlankA is only about 30km across the sea from rAmESwaram sea. So, is that SrI lankA the present-day SrI lanka?
There must have been upheavals and changes over time.
What is the best time to go to bed and wake up early?
Maximum by 10 p.m., and then try to wake up around 4.30 a.m.
Where to get good quality thirumaN & SrIchUrNam?
In SrIrangam, maNavALa mAmunigaL Sannidhi, good ones are available. Even in the shops, there are multiple grades – check if they have better ones.
What to do in situations where people around us seem to hold perumAL responsible for their misfortunes?
When someone speaks bad about emperumAn, we have two choices:
Refute them clearly with evidence.
If that is not possible, leave the place.
We should have the courage to politely and firmly refute the points. For that, we need to learn our sampradhAyam systematically.
Allocate at least 1 hour per day to listen to lectures and to read.
It should not be random lectures – but series of lectures which will open our eyes.
We have to develop patience. There is no point getting angry with anyone – it would not help anyone.
In SrI sUktham the verse – “Anandha kardhama chaiva chikleetha” – are Anandha, kardhama and chikleetha, sons of SrI mahAlakshmi thAyAr?
kardhama is the one who assumes SrI mahAlakshmi as his daughter. chikleetha is thAyAr’s palace-guard.
How to cure the guilt that perumAL will be disappointed with our bad behaviour?
By fulfilling our responsibility of dedicating time to learn about him, and practice what we learn. Both gyAnam and anushtAnam are required on our side.
Is madhuparka – abhishEkam or food offering?
What is the meaning of thadhIyArAdhanam?
thadhIya means devotees. ArAdhanam means to bring pleasure to them. Similar to thiruvArAdhanam to perumAL which has several steps among which offering food is one aspect, thadhIyArAdhanam also implies welcoming devotees, giving them comfort, offering them food, etc. One must humbly request devotees to come and honour one’s residence with their presence and if the devotees accept, they must be treated very nicely to their full satisfaction.
Who is sarasvathi?
brahmA’s wife is known as sarasvathi – she is the one who is worshipped as the deity for knowledge. But she derives her knowledge from vishNu.
Can we get pancha samskAram for achith?
Sankha chakra mudhrA alone is not pancha samskAram. Applying thirumaN, Sanhka chakram for vessels is to indicate that they are fortunate to have connection to bhagavAn through bhAgavathas. Every achith object (insentient) has an AthmA in it. Even animals, birds, pots, dhOthis, etc. – everything is fortunate when there is bhagavath/bhAgavatha sambandham.
Can we apply thirumaN and Sankha chakram to any objects we use in daily lives?
Yes – mainly the objects we use in cooking, storing granthams, etc.
What is the significance of accepting perumAL thIrtham thrice but SrIpAdha thIrtham twice?
It is sufficient to take perumAL thIrtham once. SrIpAdha thIrtham is taken 2 times or 3 times depending on different paramparA.
How many Agamas are authentic?
For SrIvaishNavAs, only two. pAncharAthra and vaikAnasa.
Can we use tomato in cooking?
No, we cannot use tomato in cooking.
Can we feed crows on a daily basis?
Not a standard practice in our sampradhAyam.
Can we compromise on Ahara niyamam if we are ill?
As far as AhAra niyama is concerned – it is of foremost importance for SrIvaishNavas. One must abide by it fully. When a SrIvaishNava gets a disease – there are few scenarios, depending on the level of maturity in gyAnam, bhakthi and vairAgyam:
If one is very matured – one will let the disease consume the body and take that as a blessing from bhagavAn to end one’s bondage in this world. Sometimes just resting properly with regulated food consumption will cure certain diseases. This is the top most devotee.
If one is somewhat matured – one will get it treated in a reasonable way. One may need to consume medicines which may contain forbidden items (as per SrIvaishNava AhAra niyama). One will consume such medicine with great sorrow thinking “I am too attached to my body. But at least let me get cured off this disease and serve you more and better”. After getting cured, one will accept SrIpAdha thIrtham of AchArya or uththama bhAgavathas and purify oneself.
If one is not matured at all – he will outright justify that consuming medicine is the right way and will not worry about the repercussions. He will also not atone or feel bad for consuming medicines with forbidden ingredients. Such person will have to face the consequences of the accumulated karma for the particular situation.
In olden days, among the very learned and matured SrIvaishNavAs, it was considered inferior to go to a doctor to get the body cured. But nowadays, it has become normal to run to a doctor even for a common cold or headache.
How to take oil bath?
Traditionally, women will do oil-bath on Fridays and men will do on Saturdays. It will be done once a week. The important rule is – it has to be done as a separate routine. That is, we have to complete our daily routine up to thiruvArAdhanam and then do the oil bath separately. First one will apply oil on the head and the body and let it soak for some time. Then we use shikakAi powder (traditional shampoo) along with water which will take out the oil.
If one acts according to AchArya, will AchAryan get pleased with the individual?
Yes – definitely. When one acts according to AchArya/guruparamparai guidelines – it will be most beneficial for the spiritual progress.
When jIvAthmA reaches vaikuNtam, does he remember his countless previous births, previous births memories and family members?
Yes – jIvAthmA will be able to recollect everything from past countless lives. But after reaching bhagavAn he will not think about anything other than bhagavAn.
Does SAsthram permit an individual to change his or her name at any time and also for any reason?
Usually during pancha samskAram, the name can be changed.
If hiraNyan was killed in his palace, how can the place of death be in ahObilam?
narasimha avathAram happened many lakhs of years ago – geography would have certainly changed.
Can we drink kOyil thirumanjana thIrtham?
We can drink, place it on our head and eyes.
How to concentrate while meditating and chanting manthrams?
The main idea in meditation, pUjA, etc., is to focus on bhagavAn’s divine form and experience his divine form, qualities, leelAs, etc. It is not blank meditation – we have to actively think about bhagavAn in different ways in a physical form which we have seen in temple, picture etc. By focussing on his divine form, we can concentrate deeply so we can imagine God through japa.
How did our pUrvAchAryas maintained physical health; did they do yOgam and physical exercise?
Not everyone did physical yOga and exercise. But the lifestyle itself was very healthy. Let us see some aspects – we can try to do some of these too.
Resources were quite natural – air, water, vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, etc., were pure and natural.
Lots of physical activity was available.
Walking was the main method to commute. Usually legs/feet remain very strong and active.
Fetching water was from river or well – which needed physical activity.
Cooking and cleaning also involved lots of physical activities such as using manual mortar/grinder, bringing water, firewood etc manually, use waste cloth to bend down and clean the floor and so on.
Bathing, washing clothes, etc., were also not so easy – lots of physical efforts involved.
Eating and sleeping was quite regulated, due to lack of electricity.
Very little distraction which will bind our body to just a place (like watching mobile, television, etc.) without physical activities.
As part of sandhyAvandhanam, thraivarNikas would do prANAyAmam with manthram. Others would do prANAyAmam without manthram if they had learnt it.
There are so many reasons which made them live a healthy/happy life.
How can we get perumAL’s grace to cure chronic diseases?
We should only pray for steady kainkaryam – everything else such as necessary health, wealth will be included in that. We can be ignorant and pray for bodily things (like health, wealth) ; or we can be intelligent in praying for kainkaryam which includes everything.
How long to keep the dried manjaL we get from sannidhi?
We can keep it at home even if its dried.
Can SrIchUrNam and kumkum be used interchangeably?
SrIchUrNam can be applied in place of kumkum. But kumkum should not be used in place of SrIchUrNam.
Can brahmachAris give dhIkshA or only sanyasis and gruhasthas can give?
brahmachAris can give – provided they have been given the privilege to do so, by their AchArya.
As a SrIvaishNava, should we consider the vAsthu when buying a house or undergoing modifications of the house?
No need to fully engross in it, basic rules like where the kitchen should be, where the toilet should be, etc., can be checked.
Is varAhi, avathAram of lakshmI?
Why does thiruevvuL veerarAghavap perumAL go to SrIperumbUthUr once a year?
Usually, in many dhivyadhESams, thiruvUral uthsavam will be celebrated where perumAL will travel to a nearby place which has a water-body and enjoy thirumanjanam, etc. It has been a practice where veerarAghavap perumAL comes to SrIperumbUthUr. He stays in the vEdhAntha dhESikar sannidhi on the banks of the pushkariNi and enjoys thirumanjanam and puRappAdu there.
What’s the correct sequence of the four vEdhas?
vEdhas are 1 single body which has 4 parts. rig, yajur, sAma, atharvaNa is said to be the 4 parts. There are other ways of dividing also. rig, etc., are not exactly sequential also. They are just different sections.
What is the reason for each Ayiram of dhivya prabandhams being derived from the 4 vEdhas by AzhwArs?
nammAzhwAr’s 4 prabandhams are said to be equivalent to 4 vEdhams. In AchArya hrudhayam, sUthrams 42, 43, etc., (in about 10 sUthrams) – comparison between prabandhams and vEdhams are seen – https://granthams.koyil.org/acharya-hrudhayam-english/ .
When sIthA pirAtti was in aSOka vanam, what gAyathrI manthram did she recite?
No such incident explained by our pUrvAchAryas.
Is it true that in previous yugams, women were allowed to undergo upanayanam, learn/recite vEdham, and do sandhyAvandhanam?
There may have been exceptions – don’t think it was the norm.
Is the name of the temple associated with SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam in mathurA and vrindhAvan called ‘rang ji mandhir’?
Can adhvijas undertake kAlakshEpam of SrI bhAshyam and gIthA bhAshyam?
Yes – but traditionally, the way it was done was – kAlakshEpam will be done for dhvijas and adhvijas will study along.
In paramapadham, are the Sankha and chakra that the jIvAthmAs hold just symbols or are they functional and used by them?
It would only be as decoration. There is no particular use. Even here, in some temples, sannidhi garudar will have Sankha/chakra.
Is it fine to give money to needy people who sit near temples?
Helping others can be individual choice. We can try to make sure that the money is not used for illicit purposes and habits.
How to mitigate the suffering in this birth? Are there any specific dhivya prabandhams to be recited for relief and peace of mind?
Every pAsuram in every dhivya prabandham is an aid to become free from samsAra. samsAra is the biggest suffering. To be relieved of it is the top most priority. But we cannot end it when we like – we have to develop the maturity to be detached from the joy/sorrow in samsAra. For that, learning prabandhams along with rahasya granthams, and their vyAkyAnams, through AchAryas will be the best way. See https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2016/07/purva-dhinacharya-27/
Should brahmachAris sleep on the floor?
Yes – brahmachAris should ideally sleep on the floor.
Is there a correlation between SrIchUrNam colour and faith? What is the difference between vadakalai and thenkalai SrIchUrNam?
It was probably another way to externally distinguish the different groups. Both red and yellow SrIchUrNam are based from turmeric which implies auspiciousness of thAyAr. Even in vadakalai, many people wear red SrIchUrNam and especially women wear red only. Not sure about any specific gradation – though some people may have imaginary ideas for these. In general, if people discuss about thenkalai/vadakalai differences – I would say to them “Let us just try to follow emperumAnAr’s orders, and when we are situated in that nishtai at least a tiny little bit, we can think about these – but when we get that nishtai, we will no longer desire to discuss these things, rather focus on pUrvAchAryas’ teachings”. But to be factual, we do see red SrIchUrNam in most dhivyadhESams. AzhwArs and AchAryas avathAra sthalams which make us understand that this is the traditional practice.
What does the red dot sAndhu pottu that young girls wear, signify?
It implies/signifies auspiciousness which is derived from the divine mother of the whole universe, SrI mahAlakshmi. Also, instead of dot, it is preferrable to use thilakam (small vertical line) for unmarried girls.
What and where is kailAyam? What is kailAya prApthi and what happens to those who reach kailAyam?
kailAyam is the abode of Siva. It is within each aNda in sathyalOka. It is also a temporary abode. AthmAs who reach there will stay there until their wish and Siva’s wish. At the end of mahA praLaya, everything will be gone and be recreated during Srushti. At that time, based on karma of each AthmA, they will start from different places.
Is there any specific number of times pradhakshiNams should be done in perumAL sannidhi?
Generally, 2 pradhakshiNams are recommended. As kainkaryam (out of love) we can do any number of pradhakshiNams. As upAyam (means for attaining something), we should not even do one pradhakshiNam.
Is kambar a SrIvaishNavar?
A look at his literary work suggests that he must have been a vaishNava. puthUr swami has given a grantham explaining this.
In case one belongs to svayamAchAryas and was not able to do pancha samskAram due to AchAryan attaining his AchAryan thiruvadi, are there sampradhAyam rules as to who can do pancha samskAram?
If no one is ready or qualified in the family, one can seek SrI vAnamAmalai mutt (which is considered as the foremost mutt of SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam since this mutt has been involved in prachAram for more than 600 years) or other established AchArya thiruvamSams.
In the sthOthram on SrI ranganAthA, “SrI kUrmam purushOtthamam cha badharI….”, what is tharkshyAdhri?
It is ahObilam.
What is purushakAra prapaththi?
Surrendering to SrI mahAlakshmi requesting her help to reach out to bhagavAn. bhagavath rAmAnuja first surrenders to SrI mahAlakshmi in SaraNAgathi gadhyam, and then surrenders to perumAL with her purushakAram. Same can be said in surrendering to AchArya first and seeking bhagavAn’s acceptance with AchArya’s purushakAram.
Does haldhi have significance in our sampradhAyam or perumAL?
As per bhagavAn’s sankalpam certain things are auspicious (mangaLam). haldhi is one of them. Other things like cow dung, cow urine, certain rivers, etc., are declared sacred/auspicious by bhagavAn by his divine will.
Is kaliyan aruLpAdu a rahasya grantham of periyavAchchAn piLLai?
Yes, it is one of the granthams given by him but it need not be considered as rahasya grantham.
Is there a mention of gaNdabEruNda avathAram in any dhivya prabandhams?
What is the difference between pApam and apachAram?
apachAram is one type of pApam. pApam means an act which gives displeasure to bhagavAn. apachAram means offending someone. For example, eating onion/garlic is pApam. Hurting another SrIvaishNava is apachAram (it is a pApam too).
Since nAradha is called thrilOka sanchAri, does he visit perumAL in SrI vaikuNtam or does he also stop at thiruppARkadal?
nAradha is able to freely go about only in this samsara within his aNdam. There are many aNdams in this samsAra. Each aNdam has its own set of creation and the created beings in that aNdam are limited to that aNdam only. Hence nAradha also is restricted to within the aNdam he is present. Each aNdam will have its own nAradha.
What is aNdam?
aNdam is on oval shaped universe and in each aNdam there are 14 lOkas.
If we are unable to finish drinking perumAL thIrtham, can we keep the thIrtham in a bowl for birds to drink?
In temples, those who carry thAyAr, AzhwArs AchAryas, what are they called by?
Just as how bhagavAn’s carriers are called SrIpAdha thAngis, similarly those who carry thAyAr, AzhwArs and AchAryas are also called as SrIpAdha thAngis.
What happens to the chiranjIvis such as hanumAn, ashwatthAma, mArkaNdEya during praLayam?
They are chiranjIvi for a limited time. At the time of praLayam, they will also get annihilated.
Do mukthAthmAs come back to samsAra mandalam for service?
No. Generally SAsthram says, nachapunar AvarthathE. That is mukthAthma won’t return to samsAram. But if bhagavAn wishes, they will come.
What is the significance of nose piercing in our sampradhAyam? What are the criteria’s for getting piercing?
Nose piercing is a common practice in our tradition. Women will generally have their nose pierced at a young age. In those days, a good time will be chosen for any activities.
What is pradhOsham and how to calculate it?
pradhOsham generally is celebrated on thrayOdhaSi days. It is more often related to rudhra, but sometimes related to narasimha bhagavAn always. But there is no specific worship of narasimha definitely by our pUrvAchAryas, specifically on pradhOsham days.
What is the meaning of thiruvamSams?
It means paramparA (lineage).
Why is garuda in vAhanams seen with snake around him?
sumukha was a snake who wanted protection from garuda. Hence krishNa asked garuda to always protect sumukha. That is why garuda is carrying snake.
Can we keep belongings of our late parents?
We can keep them. There are no restrictions.
When is gOvardhana pUja?
Usually, it is next day of dhIpAvaLi.
Is pancha samskAram and samASrayaNa same?
Yes, pancha samskAram and samASrayaNa are the same.
Do we need adhikAram to read manu smruthi?
Some say smruthi, ithihAsa, purANams can be directly studied only by thraivarNikas. Better to focus on dhivya prabandhams, rahasya granthams and their commentaries.
Why does the thirunakshathram of AzhwArs/Acharyas sometimes fall on different days in different dhivya dhEsams?
nakshathram sometimes overlaps between 2 days. In that case, if there is a specific number of nAzhigais on the second day, the second day will be considered as that nakshathram. In some places 6 nAzhigais are sufficient on the 2nd day. In other places, 10 or 12 nAzhigais required. That is why in different places, different days are considered for a nakshathram.
What is thirumanjana kattiyam?
thirumanjana kattiyam is recited just before thirumanjanam at temples. Anyone can recite it at their homes.
What is the meaning of thirunAmam ‘dhrushtAntha rahithan’?
dhrushtAntham means example. rahitha means “not having”. He has no example. He is so unique and hence cannot be compared to anyone.
Is it prohibited to keep garuda purANam at home and read it?
There are no such restrictions.
Can we keep mahAbhAratham book at home and read it?
Yes, we can keep mahAbhAratham book at home and read it.
Can women during menstrual cycles, listen to kAlakshEpams?
kAlakshEpams should not be heard. General upanyAsams can be heard during this time. pAsurams, perumAL’s dhivya nAmams can be remembered in the mind and chanted in the mind. But should not be spoken out. More meditation on bhagavAn’s divine qualities, AzhwAr/AchArya vaibhavams can be done during this time.
Shouldn’t women touch thuLasi mAlai?
No such rule that women can’t touch thuLasi mAlai.
What is the significance of bhAgavatha purANam?
SrI bhAgavatham is one of the sAthvika purANams. It is greatly glorified by AchAryas from different sampradhAyams. Our AchAryas have also quoted some SlOkams from SrI bhAgavatham. The essence of 10th kANdam with reference to AzhwArs’ pAsurams is in https://granthams.koyil.org/krishna-leela-english/ .
If we do bhAgavatha sapthAham with full devotion, will we attain mOksham?
If we are SrIvaishNavas/prapannas, we should not do anything else in expectation of mOksham. All our activities should be kainkaryam only. Because we have surrendered to perumAL and accepted him as the means for mOksham – which is eternal kainkaryam to him.
Please explain about the Unjal uthsavams at SrI rangam?
In SrIrangam, for SrIranganAchchiyAr, Unjal (jhUlA) uthsavam or dOlOthsavam is celebrated. Every day, in the evening thAyAr will be visiting Unjal maNdapam, and placed on the Unjal. She will enjoy araiyar sEvai, vAdhyagOsham and thiruvArAdhanam. After that, she will return to her sannidhi.
During ghOsti, why do SrIvaishNavas fold hands when reciting prabandhams?
Usually, folding hands imply subservience. Hence that is done. During special pAsurams, bhAgavathas will perform anjali.
Do we have to perform namaskArams before going to ghOsti?
Yes, we have to perform namaskArams before going to ghOsti.
Is SrI annamAchAryar considered as AzhwAr?
As of now there are only 12 AzhwArs as identified by our pUrvAchArayas. annamAchArya may be a great devotee, but he is not specifically identified by any of our pUrvAchAryas as an AzhwAr. There are/were many great devotees of vishNu – but one cannot be easily called as AzhwAr by us, unless there is strong evidence for the same, as identified by our pUrvAchAryas.
Is annamAchArya considered as an incarnation of nandhakam?
No authentic reference for that as shown by our pUrvAchAryas. We cannot just like that say someone is an incarnation of nithyasUris, etc., it has to be determined by learned scholars of our sampradhAyam.
Is prapannAmritham considered as an authentic work?
It is somewhat popular outside thamizhnAdu since that is one of the few available guruparampara granthams in samskritham. puthUr swamy has done a translation of this grantham – it seems ok generally – but some portions may not be acceptable by all. It is said there are some contradictory views on this grantham from some elders.
If thAyAr climbed on perumAL’s divine chest only in kUrmAvthAram, were they not together before the avathAram?
It is part of a leelA in an avathAra. It is similar to SrI rAma marrying sIthAp pirAtti in rAmAvathAra.
As per dhEva perumAL’s six words to thirukkachi nambi, he says prapaththi is upAyam, but we hear that perumAL is upAyam and upEyam? How to reconcile these two statements?
When anyone says surrender is the upAyam, that implies bhagavAn is the upAyam. Because SaraNAgathi by definition is the prayer to bhagavAn asking him to be the upAyam. So, it is reconciled in this manner.
What to do with the flowers and thuLasi given by archaka swAmy in temples?
We can wear the flowers on our hair/shikai. We can consume a little bit of thuLasi also as his prasAdham. If we receive perumAL’s flowers, etc., it can be used to decorate AzhwAr/AchArya pictures at home. If there is excess, we can place them on the ground where plants grow, as fertiliser.
How to wear upper vasthram during bath?
Wrapping around the waist.
How to interpret the incident of rudhra showing his lingOdhbava rUpam to prove he is supreme over bhagavAn & brahma?
It is not an authentic story. Even if such stories exist, they will be in thAmasa purANams which are not held as pramANam for us. Whatever mentioned in thAmasa purANams, need to be understood in proper context and anything which violates supremacy of vishNu, we have to reject those statements as bewilderment of the author of the purANa.
Is the recital ‘harE rAmA harE rAmA, rAmA rAmA harE harE, harE krishNa harE krishNa krishNa krishNa harE harE’, a manthram or nAma?
It is a SlOkam, but by those who believe that it protects them, it can be considered as manthra since manthra is that which protects the one who meditates on it.
What is the significance of vaikuNta chathurdhasi?
Not specifically celebrated in our sampradhAyam in that name.
What can we do with the dried thuLasi?
They can be placed in the ground as fertilizer for plants.
Was anugIthA told by kaNNan emperumAn to arjunA?
Yes – anugIthA was told by krishNa to arjunA.
Is nAradha a nithyasUri?
No, nAradha is not a nithyasUri.
Is vidhEsha yAtrA allowed for dhvijAs?
For brAhmaNas, it is not allowed.
Are we allowed to eat thAmbUlam?
gruhasthAs can eat. Others cannot eat.
What to do with the thAmbUlam offered to perumAL, if we cannot consume it?
We can give to someone who can consume. Also, it is not compulsory to offer. We can offer whatever we can consume only.
What is aupAsana?
aupAsana is a fire-based ritual which has to be done every day by gruhasthas. Just as brahmachAris would perform samithAdhAnam twice a day, aupAsana is also done twice a day by gruhasthas. But this practice is not prevalent these days.
What is thAmbUlam?
thAmbUlam is betel leaf, betel nut.
Can we perform upAsana on pUri jagannAtha bhagavAn?
upAsana is not a common practice in our sampradhAyam. We try to relish bhagavAn’s auspicious qualities and render kainkaryams to him. that can be done to pUri jagannAtha bhagavAn.
SAsthram says bhagavAn is inside AthmA and bhagavAn is along with AthmA. Which is correct?
bhagavAn exist inside AthmA who is inside the body. But he is also all-pervading and present everywhere.
If souls are the body of bhagavAn then how are we different from bhagavAn?
We are body and he is the soul – that is the difference. He is all-pervading, we are minute.
How does bhagavAn manifest into mUrthi after prANa prathishtA?
After prANa prathishtA, he manifests as the AthmA of the mUrthi, and remains as the direct controller of the mUrthi. He accepts all the worship made to that mUrthi and grants the results through that mUrthi.
What is the significance of kArthikai dhIpam festival?
kArthikai dhIpOthsavam is a tradition of lighting lamps at homes during the whole of kArthikai month. On dhIpam day, more lamps are lit throughout the home in the evening. Please see this video for more details – https://youtu.be/eyFAplLkINo
Are vigraham and bhagavAn different?
Yes – bhagavAn has 2 aspects – svarUpa (AthmA) and rUpa (form/vigraha). Both are different and distinct from each other.
Should we chant as SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama or ‘namaha’?
Chant as ‘namaha’- SrImathE rAmAnujAya namaha.
In paramapadham where do mukthAthmAs stay and what are the activities they do?
First of all, mukthAthmAs will assume various forms based on the desire of bhagavAn. There also, each person will have abodes to stay, etc. There is no specific materialistic need like here – but for leelAs (pastimes), bhagavAn gives variety of anubhavams to all mukthAthmAs.
If our family members are non-vegetarians, can we (as vegetarians) give away food with meat in it to those in need? Or this amounts to pApam?
Better not to acquire. When it comes to meat eating, all those who are involved in the process, like the butcher, the transporter, the seller, the consumer, etc., accrue sins for the same.
Is LGBTQ allowed/permitted in SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam?
As per vaidhIka dharmam – marriage is the only way for sense enjoyment and that is between man and woman only. One may have strong/deep friendship with others – but that is not the same as what we see in the world today. Also, the goal is to develop detachment towards sense enjoyment in all forms.
Is LGBTQ and kaivalyam same?
No – kaivalyam involves single AthmA (no bodily engagement).
Are the pAsurams of AzhwArs a result of their intellect and innate deep bhakthi or are they just acting as representatives of emperumAn and composing?
The pAsurams are an outcome of their experience which were blessed by bhagavAn directly.
What nAmams do the 12 Urdhva puNdras represent?
The 12 primary names of vishNu namely: kESava, nArAyaNa, mAdhava, gOvindha, vishNu, madhusUdhana, thrivikrama, vAmana, SrIdhara, rishikESa, padhmanAbha, dhAmOdhara.
How will I know who is my AchArya? How to identify?
By interacting with other bhAgavathas, we will identify our AchArya, with the help of bhagavAn who resides as antharyAmi in our heart.
What is the difference between manthram and nAmam?
manthra usually has rules/regulations on when to chant, how to chant etc. nAma has no such restrictions. Both help us to think about him, but the usage is different.
What should be our attitude towards LGBTQ? Are they eligible for samASrayaNa?
Everyone is eligible for samASrayaNam, as long as they are ready to accept guidance and reformation, to become properly situated in our sampradhAya principles, which is to develop gyAna, bhakthi and vairAgyam. We can interact with others to guide them properly – but not to be influenced by them and go in their ways.
Where are sages like vEdha vyAsa today? If they are still alive, then why are they not in the list of chiranjeevis?
It is said that vEdha vyAsa is still residing in badharIkASramam. Sages may still be in naimiSAraNyam – but they may not be visible for us. They may not live till the arrival of praLayam – that is why they may not be included in the list of chiranjeevis.
From when did the thApa samskAram (pancha samskAram) start?
pancha samskAram is an ancient practice. It was streamlined in emperumAnAr’s period.
Can we accept bilva dhalam for thAyAr archanai?
Yes, we accept bilva dhalam for thAyAr archanai.
Why in our mutts we call pontiffs as jIyars and not as jagadhAchArya rAmAnujAchArya of that particular mutt?
Generally, our jIyars are called as rAmAnuja jIyar only, along with their specific names.
If blood falls on dhOthi, do we clean it and use or throw it away?
Yes, we can wash it well and re-use it if the stain is gone.
What is the meaning of the word ‘empAvAi’ in the thiruppAvai pAsurams?
It indicates the nOnbu (vratham). For more refer: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2014/12/thiruppavai-01-margazhi-thingal/
Why do we say three times, ‘pallANdu pallANdu pallANdu’, ‘gOvindhA gOvindhA gOvindhA’, ‘poliga poliga poliga’?
Like in vEdham “shAnthi shAnthi shAnthi”, it means emphasis, highlighting the importance.
How to take care of gut health?
When after passing stool, one should take bath. If there are health related issues, one should try to streamline one’s lifestyle and bring the health issues into a control. If it is still a botheration, one can seek forgiveness and try to do the best in the given circumstances.
In which lOka does rudhra live?
In thathva thrayam, it is explained that brahma, vishNu and rudhra have their abodes in sathya lOka.
What is the lifespan of rudhra?
rudhra lives till the end of the aNdam – he is involved in mahA praLayam and bhagavAn finally consumes him also. Hence his life span is almost as long as brahmA’s life span.
Did Siva grant mOksham to mArkaNdEya?
No. rudhra did not grant mOksham since he cannot do it. He directed mArkaNdEya to vishNu.
Why do some people get attracted or attached to certain dhivya dhESams?
Each individual gets certain impressions based on how perumAL influences that individual. For some, SrIrangam is closer to heart. For others, thiruvallikkENi is closer to heart. And so on.
Can brahmachAri dhvijas wear gold necklaces?
As surrendered persons, we should not desire worldly decorations, etc.
If we purely consider our body as temple of bhagavAn, then we can decorate the body with many ornaments. Otherwise, wearing ornaments for self or others enjoyment is not good.
Please see https://acharyas.koyil.org/index.php/2012/09/11/parasara-bhattar-english/ . Once bhattar instructs his disciples to develop detachment on this body and bodily decorations. But the next day, he wears nice silk clothes, ornaments, etc. When the disciples ask about the contradiction in his instructions and the actions, bhattar says, he considers his body as a kOilAzhwAr – vAsasthalam (residing place) of emperumAn. So just like we decorate a mandapam where emperumAn stays for a short while, if we have developed that athavasAyam (strong faith) we can also decorate our body in many beautiful ways.
As jIvAthmA is of feminine nature can he serve bhagavAn with valour, strength, power, etc.?
AthmA is of purusha nature on his own and is of sthrI nature when looked in connection with bhagavAn. In any case, the body, which is received according to one’s karma, should be put in use for bhagavAn. If one has strong and well-built body, and if one is allowed to as per dharma, one can use that for bhagavAn.
Why is ramESwaram part of the four dhAm instead of SrIrangam?
In the north, to accommodate other dhEvathAs, they have included it.
Can we read rahasya grantham without samASrayaNam?
If we plan to get samASrayaNam, we can read rahasya grantham.
During mArgazhi mAsam, what special can we do apart from reciting thiruppAvai?
We can learn the meanings of thiruppAvai using the lecture series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcJLpGJlP9mrOiaK8y-wZ_vzIuYeDrkrv .
While framing SuddhAdhvaitha philosophy, did vallabhAchArya refer to rAmAnujAchArya’s granthams?
Yes – it sounds similar – but there will be differences, by the fact that it is named differently, and they don’t identify themselves as rAmAnuja followers. It is somewhat unnecessary to keep comparing different sampradhAyams. Let us focus on our sampradhAyam and learn it thoroughly – this must be our motive.
What is the content of vEdhArtha sangraha grantham?
vEdhArtha sangraha is a grantham which clarifies certain misunderstandings in upanishadh (mahA)vAkyams. It also precisely establishes viSishtAdhvaitha philosophy and highlights the deficiencies in various other philosophies.
Which pAsurams describe bhagavAn consuming all dhEvathAs?
There are quite a few pAsurams which speak about bhagavAn consuming all the dhEvathAs.
periya thirumozhi 11.6 describes it nicely:
nillAdha peruveLLam * neduvisumbin mIdhOdi nimirndha kAlam * mallANda thadakkaiyAl * bagiraNdam agappaduththa kAlaththu ** anRu ellArum aRiyArO? * emperumAn uNdu umizhndha echchil dhEvar * allAdhAr thAmuLarE? * avanaruLE ulagAvadhu aRiyIrgaLE?
neRRimEl kaNNAnum * niRaimozhi vAy nAnmuganum nINda nAl vAy * oRRaikkai veNpagattin * oruvanaiyum uLLitta amararOdum ** veRRip pOrkkadal araiyan * vizhungAmal thAn vizhungi uyyak koNda * koRRappOr AzhiyAn * guNam paravAch chiRuthoNdar kodiyavARE!
Does the nava granthams of bhagavath rAmAnujar have any connections with navagrahas? Is there a reason rAmAnujar chose to write only 9 granthams?
There is no connection with navagrahas. Not sure of any significance for that number in this case.
When nammAzhwAr composed thiruvAimozhi, what did he name the prabandham as?
Possibly thiruvAimozhi only.
Is it true that nammAzhwAr’s first 10 pAsurams were reflected by thiruvaLLuvar in first 10 kUraLs?
Not fully. Maybe there are some resemblances.
What can we do in situations where we feel lethargy post eating?
We can listen to lectures or read at this time. If we still feel lazy, better to recite pAsurams or sthOthrams, which involves more active action.
Did SarabESwara, who is a form of Siva, came to control the anger of hiranyakaSipu?
Sarabha was controlled and defeated by narasimha bhagavAn.
Which pAsuram describes narasimha avathAram as very beautiful?
The pAsuram which declares him to be very beautiful is https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2018/07/nanmugan-thiruvandhadhi-22/ .
What can we do with the broken perumAL photo?
We can place them in rivers, river beds, etc., where there is no scope for people stepping on them, and where they will be naturally decomposed.
Is the offence committed by dhaksha prajApathi towards rudhra an example of bhAgavatha apachAram?
Not necessarily – they were not arguing/fighting as bhAgavathas. But more concerned about personal insults, etc.
Which is the correct way to pronounce the thirunAmam ‘SatakOpa’ when it comes in the pAsurams?
SatakOpa is the sanskrit word शठकोप. In thamizh it is said as sadagOpan often. But it is better to say it as SatakOpa. But in thamizh pAsurams, we should say as ‘cha’ only.
Is it correct to say sEnai mudhaliAr or sEnai mudhanmayAr?
Both are fine. It is fine to pronounce in either way.
What is the meaning of bhagavallAbham mentioned in sUthram 19 of mumukshuppadi?
bhagavallAbham means attaining bhagavAn and ultimately engaging in kainkaryam.
Why is adhvaitha philosophy more widely known than SrIvaishNavam, and why do their miracles and teachings attract more people? What do SrIvaishNava AchAryas say about our sampradhAyam’s unique spiritual depth and miracles, and how can it be spread effectively?
There are some good observations about adhvaitham being well preached all over the world. But it is only partially correct. Many of these personalities mentioned are not real adhvaithis. They take some aspect of adhvaitham and spread that. Moreover, miracles are subjective and some of them may be coincidental and also exaggeration.
In our sampradhAyam also miracles are well observable – the biggest miracle is – we who are living examples. We have been totally body oriented for countless births, but we have been transformed now by the grace of bhagavAn and bhagavath rAmAnuja to accept the truth, clearly. The miracles others show can even be done by magicians, who actually do a better job in that.
Now, the need of the hour and it has been the need for quite a long time is to share the wisdom given by our pUrvAchAryas, all over the world, starting from our family, friends, relatives and so on. By the grace of our pUrvAchAryas we have a variety of abundant content in koyil.org portal and youtube channel – pls share this information in all our circles. If you are in daily updates group, you can share the messages we post there into all your circles. Anyone can be brought into our Q & A group to learn our sampradhAya in depth.
WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ev3lelpOEZP105Evbd1n4q , YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/@KoyilOrg , and
kOyil.org WhatsApp Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAWvbCL7UVPyraBvN1d , can be circulated widely.
When a jIvAthmA reaches vaikuNtam, it gets 8 guNams. What is the need to mention abhimrutyu as AthmA doesn’t die in any case? Is it a comparison to: an AthmA with SarIram in samsAram vs an AthmA with SarIram in vaikuNtam? If yes, is the same logic applicable to the other 7 guNams too?
Yes – generally, birth and death would mean acquiring body based on karma. That is what is negated here. Similar principle can be applied for other qualities, where karma-based reactions will not occur.
Is bhAgavatha purANam equal to vishNu purANam in its glories?
Each purANam has its own significance and glories. Generally, SrI vishNu purANam is glorified as the best in revealing the truth.
If bhAgavatha purANam and vishNu purANam are both sAthvika purANam, then why is SrI vishNu purANam glorified over SrImadh bhAgavatha purANam?
https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2016/12/sthothra-rathnam-4/ – In this SlOkam, ALavandhAr explains how SrI vishNu purANam is complete in explaining all the important principles. Even other sAthvika purANams do – but this one is special in this aspect. Each purANam has its own glories, but this one is most complete.
Can we consume aval (pohA)?
Yes – if homemade it is fine.
Will thuLasi be able to survive outside in the snow? Some temples in foreign countries have thuLasi outdoors.
There are newer options based on technology to grow plants indoor. Such options have been implemented in some countries with cold weather. Those options could be tried.
Should a child get pancha samskAram before or after upanayana?
In the current day and age, the usual procedure is to do upanayanam first and pancha samskAram next. That can be followed. upanayanam should be done at the right age. For brAhmaNas, at 7, kshathriyas at 11 and vaiSyas at 13 or 14.
Can we start wearing Urdhva puNdram before pancha samskAram?
Urdhva puNdram can be applied even before pancha samskAram. In fact, we can/should apply Urdhva puNdram for even our household utensils, etc.
What is the significance of siddhitrayam grantham authored by ALavandhAr?
This is one of the first granthams explaining about chith, achith and ISvara in viSishtAdhvaitha point of view clearly.
Can adhvijas read the bhagavath gIthA verses or they can read only the translations?
vAkyams can be read in the mind but not expressively.
Is the depiction of pirAtti pressing perumAL’s feet that we usually see in photos, present in kshIrAbdhi? How are they present in vaikuNtam?
This depiction is from kshIrAbdhi usually. Pressing the feet is an expression of great love in servitude towards someone. That is why pirAtti is always seen in this posture in kshIrAbdhi. In SrIvaikuNtam, usually, bhagavAn and pirAttis are in a seated posture and emperor with his consorts.
What is the difference between kshIrAbdhi, vaikuNtam and SvEthadhvIpa?
SrI vaikuNtam is paramapadham. kshIrAbdhi is milk ocean which is present in each universe and SvEthadhvIpa is an island in kshIrAbdhi.
What is in the SvEthadhvIpa island?
Very exalted devotees who are very devotional and peaceful, live there happily serving bhagavAn. The residents of this island are known to be muktha-prAya (those are as good as liberated souls).
What is the origin of varAha charama SlOkam?
Origin of varAha charama SlOkam is varAha purANam.
What is the meaning of the term ‘vAzhiyE’, that we say during thiruvArAdhanam, after sARRumuRai?
vAzhiyE means mangaLASAsanam.
Can we visit temple after 15 days (post subhasvIkAram) of passing of mother-in-law?
Yes, we can visit temples and AchAryan sannidhi after subhasvIkAram; 15 days post passing away.
How to interpret and act in situations when a sampradhAyam AchAryan visits dhEvathAntharams’ temples?
These kinds of situations are very difficult to handle. An AchArya should be a role-model for SrIvaishNavAs in following our pUrvAchAryas’ principles such as total avoidance of other dhEvathAs’ worship. But there may be unavoidable situations where they may have to be in a position where they cannot avoid proximity to other dhEvathAs. As long as the AchArya knows that it is an exceptional/unavoidable situation – he may remain there – even in such cases, he should not worship other dhEvathAs. But this does not give a free ticket to the followers to start worshipping other dhEvathAs – since worshipping other dhEvathAs will be contradictory to the true nature of the SrIvaishNava. If an AchArya knowingly indulges in dhEvathAnthara worship and if Sishyas have the opportunity for direct interaction – Sishyas should request him privately to relinquish such interest. If he does not listen, one should certainly give up such AchArya.
Who can do sarvAnga kshavaram and when?
sarvAnga kshavaram is meant for gruhasthas only and they must do sarvAnga kshavaram only and that too by a barber only (no separate facial shaving, that too self-shaving should not be done at all). For brahmachAris and sanyAsis – only kshavaram upto the face.
Why are sages like parASara, Saunaka, and nAradha referred as bhagavAn?
> bhagavAn is a term which means one who possess 6 qualities in full. It is applicable only for SrIman nArAyAna. For others, it is used as an honorary term – since they have some of these qualities in some small proportion. Please see this video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJHCWK-qBdQ – this topic is explained here in detail.
What is the meaning of ‘AchAryan thiruvadi balaththAl’?
“AchAryan thiruvadi balaththAl” means ‘by the strength given by the divine feet of AchArya’. It is not a manthra – it is a statement we use when we say we have accomplished something. For example, we can say “AchAryan thiruvadi balaththAl, adiyEn got good kainkaryam today”.
Which colour pavithra mAlA can we wear?
Different colours are there – we can wear whatever we get as long as it comes from a temple.
Can we buy pavithra mAlA from shop?
No. We have to request the temple authorities after completion of pavithrOthsavam. If they have some, they will give. Also, wearing pavithra mAlA is not compulsory. Hence, we don’t need to try so hard for it. If we get by bhagavAn’s grace, we can wear it, otherwise, it is fine to be without it.
Which mAlA we can wear daily?
We can wear thuLasi mAlA and lotus mAlA.
Where can we get thuLasi mAlA and lotus mAlA? And what are the rules for wearing them?
We need to buy ideally from holy places, that too made by vaishNavas. We get good ones from vrindhAvan, ayOdhyA etc.
We should not wear mAlA while sleeping, eating, going to unclean places like toilet/washroom, wearing shirt over it, wearing chappals, shoes, etc.
Who is a Saivite?
Saivite – a follower of Siva. Actually, those who follow Saiva Agama and take dhIkshA from a Saiva AdhInam (guru pItam) are only to be called as Saiva. They are usually Siva bhakthas. On the other hand, there are followers of different philosophy such as adhvaitha, viSishtAdhvaitha, dhvaitha, SudhdhAdhvaitha, bhEdhAbhEdha etc. These philosophers may have accepted vishNu or Siva or anyone else as their primary dhEvathA. In general, vaidhIka (vEdha based) philosophers, will only accept vishNu as supreme lord and their primary dhEvathA.
Over time, many of the adhvaitha gurus, became Siva or Sakthi worshippers and started applying basmam (ash) too. Hence, they are seen as Saiva followers. But in the past, even the followers of Sankara mutt, were worshipping vishNu as supreme, though their philosophy was different from rAmAnuja’s philosophy. In the past, many adhvaithis would only wear gOpi chandhanam as Urdhva puNdram and never touch basmam.
What should be the length of the yagyOpavItham?
It should be in the waist level, neither above nor below.
Is sAnkhya philosophy for atheist?
sAnkhya is said to be bAhya matham – atheistic philosophy, since it does not accept vEdham as the only supreme authority.
If sAnkhya philosophy doesn’t accept vEdham, is it a nAsthika dharSanam?
Yes – that is one of the definitions of nAsthika. Asthika means vEdham should be accepted as ultimate pramANam.
Why is bhUmi dhEvi called as mother of sIthAp pirAtti?
bhUmi dhEvi is called as sIthAp pirrAtti’s mother because sIthAp pirAtti came out of earth (bhUmi). bhumip pirAtti is considered as an honorary mother for sIthAp pirAtti in this incarnation.
Is bhUdhEvi different from SrI bhUdhEvi (consort) of nArAyanA?
They are same.
Is it true that there were two kapila avathArams?
In our sampradhAya, there is no discussion about 2 kapilas. But there is discussion about sESvara sAnkhya (who accept ISvara) and nirISvara sAnkhya (who does not accept ISvara). In either case, ISvara is not significant – hence both are avaidhIka mathams only.
Is there anadhyayana kAlam even for kAlakshEpams?
Not separately – it goes with dhivya prabandham anadhyayana kAlam only.
Are upanishaths eternal?
upanishaths are also part of vEdhas – which means they are also anAdhi and apaurushEyam. Though some upanishaths have some rishi association, they are still eternal only. upanishaths speak about brahmam’s svarUpa, rUpa, guNa, vibhUthi mainly.
Is there a difference between thuLasi mAlA and thuLasi kanthi mAlA?
thuLasi mani mAlA is worn in our sampradhAyam upto navel, along with lotus mani mAlA. thuLasi kanthi mAlA is worn in other sampradhAyams, around the neck.
What is dhIkshA?
dhIkshA is the process of initiation into a particular discipline. For example, pancha samskAram is a type of dhIkshA. Agama dhIkshA is also there.
Does dhIkshA differ in vaikAnasa and pAncharAthra Agamas?
The process is different in both Agamas.
What happens when dhIkshA is given and who is the AchAryan for this?
Usually, each discipline would have different set of AchAryas. Those who are authorised can perform dhIkshA for others.
vaikAnasa experts say that it’s ok for them to do pUja for dhEvathAntharams. Is this correct?
Both Agama persons should ideally be full surrendered to vishNu only and not focussing on other dhEvathAs.
As per Ahara niyamam can we use pAsi paruppu and thuvaram paruppu for daily cooking?
Both can be used interchangeably. But on days like dhvAdhaSi and amAvAsyai, some people prefer pAsi paruppu (moong dal).
What does the prefix ‘u.vE.’ before the name mean?
u vE means ubhaya vEdhAnthAchArya. This means those who are well versed in both samskrutha vEdham/vEdhAntham and thamizh vEdham/vEdhAntham. dhivyaprabandhams are thamizh vEdham, rahasya granthams and commentaries can be said as thamizh vEdhAntham.