Brief answers – kainkaryams, anushtAnams & routines

What actually is the meaning of kainkaryam?

kainkaryam is loving service to bhagavAn, bhAgavathas and AchArya.

What can we do for a mentally ill person who is suffering a lot as a SrIvaishNava?

We as SrIvaishNavas should not be praying for any materialistic remedies. We can pray for anyone to be happily engaged in kainkaryam.

Can AchAryan thaniyans be recited by kids at home who have not yet been performed with pancha samskAram by AchAryan?


Can dhivyaprabandham be learned by people who have not undergone pancha samskaram/samASrayaNam yet?

There are few variant views.
a) Some scholars say that dhivyaprabandham must be learnt only after pancha samskAram
b) Some scholars say that dhivyaprabandham must be learnt only after pancha samskAram, but for children born in SrIvaishNava families (both brAhmaNa and non-brAhmaNa), they can be taught even before pancha samskAram, since they will be having pancha samskAram sooner or later.
c) Some scholars say that dhivyaprabandham can be learnt by all, since that is by nature the difference between vEdham and dhivya prabandham – vEdham is very restrictive while dhivya prabandham is very open.

adiyEn feels that option b) is reasonable and it can be extended to even those who are not born in SrI vaishNava families, but will eventually get pancha samskAram done.

In vishNu purANam, it’s said that the motto of writing the purANam is that all beings can benefit from this. But why do some AchAryas say that SlOkams like sahasranAmam and many others shouldn’t be recited by women?

One need not directly read to benefit from it. Anyone can listen to those who have read.

There are mixed instructions on thirumala darSanam during theettu (suthak) period. During such times of grief and loss, when we really long to go to temple its being told that it would become an apachAram. Please clarify why it is so.

For the karthA (the one who is doing the final rites), restrictions such as not going to hill temple, not going near seashore, etc., are applicable. The reason is – there were certain risks in the past in such places and anything happening to karthA will lead to abrupt stopping of the one-year rituals, which need to be completed, ideally. But there will be no such restrictions for others in the family.

Also, if one performs kainkaryam in a hill-temple, one will have to continue his kainkaryam after the 13th day. Such restrictions will not apply to such person.

Some of these get exaggerated without understanding the real purpose. The hypocrisy will be visible when they will avoid going to temple, but go everywhere else. But as per SAsthram, one should remain at home throughout the period.

Should we offer tharpaNam to bhIshma on bhIshmAshtami?


My yagyOpavItham just broke. What should I do now?

For now, you can knot it where it is broken. As soon as possible, get a new one and change it with the appropriate manthram.

Which pAsurams should we recite 2 times in thiruppAvai?

mArgazhi, Ongi, nAyaganAy, undhu, mAri, anRu, kUdArai, kaRavai, siRRam, vangam.

In the month of mArgazhi, do we refrain from consuming milk and ghee?

Though that was part of the vratham of the gOpikAs, we are not performing the same vratham – our focus is only to engage in bhagavath anubhavam and kainkaryam.

During theettu/aSoucham, can pUrvAchArya sthOthrams or dhivyaprabandham be recited?

No – we cannot recite any prabandhams, sthOthrams etc. during theettu. They can be meditated upon and recited in mind.

We are in this material world and we have to get educated in materialistic things. How to tackle those as a devotee following SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam?

If we pray for kainkaryam, bhagavAn will grant everything we need – as he knows everything about us.

What can be said about those who have not undergone pancha samskAram, and not born in SrIvaishNava family and yet recite selective dhivyaprabandhams including thaniyans daily?

If there is no intent to get pancha samskAram, one may not fully be in line with SrIvaishNava thought process. Simply learning the dhivya prabandhams without implementing the meanings in their life, will be a wasted opportunity. But adiyEn feels that coming in contact with AzhwArs’ divine words and practicing them will help in upward progress of the jIvAthmA for the next birth.

It is said that in prathama parvam, we have thirumanthram, dhvaya mahA manthram and charama SlOkam for emperumAn. Like that in charama parvam, we have the manthrams for emperumAnAr too. If that is the case, can we, prapannas chant this dhvayam of emperumAnAr like dhvaya mahA manthram?

Yes – there is rAmAnuja rahasya thrayam. But for us, the main rahasya thrayam, is compulsory to understand and practice. Though charama parva nishtai is glorified, in pUrvAchArya granthams, specific usage of manthrams is not emphasised.

adiyEn is not able to concentrate on my devotion to perumAL (it’s without my intention). adiyEn really don’t know why this is happening. adiyEn remained patient thinking everything will get sorted with time but adiyEn is not seeing any improvement.

Number of factors are there – whether there is clean environment, good sath sangam, etc. Also, some discipline should be brought in our routine, that we allocate daily a specific time for listening to lectures, reading books etc. Whether there is full involvement of mind is there or not, one should push through the routine – soon, it will become a habit to like the routine.

adiyEn ‘s father-in-law has not taken pancha samskAram. But he was chanting ashtAkshara manthram. adiyEn listened to one upanyAsam where the upanyAsakar swamy said that chanting ashtAkshara manthram is fruitful only when we have done samASrayaNam and it has many restrictions. So adiyEn told adiyEn’s view about that. Now to chant something, he has started chanting another dhEvathAntharam’s manthram. Now adiyEn doesn’t know how to make him understand swAmy. But he has made a point to recite vishNu sahasranAmam daily. Kindly guide adiyEn swAmy.

Any vaidhIka manthra, should be chanted only after personally getting instructed from a guru only. You can inform him that. Reciting the nAmams from sahasranAmam is fine. He can be encouraged to recite SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: – bhagavath rAmAnujar will guide him soon to an AchArya.

After pancha samskAram when should one tell/not tell abhivAdhanam?

Only during sandhyAvandhanam and vaidhIka rituals, we should do abhivAdhanam. In other times, just saying “adiyEn rAmAnuja dhAsan” and offering obeisances is sufficient.

How can a person who is a thrai varNika and who is not knowledgeable about upanayana samskAram get it done as per SAsthram?

If there is any SrIvaishNava mutt/aSram nearby your place you can go and enquire – they will guide about upanayana samskAram.

While doing gruhasthASrama yagyOpavItha sankalpam, some says ‘dvithIya’, whereas some say ‘gruhasthASrama’ only. Which one is correct?

‘gruhasthASrama sidhyartham dhvithIya yagyOpavItha dhAraNam karishyE’ is what we usually say.

Some say ‘upavItham binna dhanthum’ is to be recited only if the yagyOpavItham is torn or damaged. If not, it seems no manthram is required. Which is the correct thing to be followed?

We recite this always – since it has many reasons for discarding the old one like: torn, became old, lost shine, etc.

What is the anushtAnam for previous and next day SrAdhdham?

Previous day – we should eat one time only (in the day time) and prepare the materials for the SrAdhdham. On the SrAdhdham day, first thiruvArAdhanam, then SrAdhdham and then sARRumuRai, then bhOjanam. Night, it is better to avoid food on SrAdhdham day also.

My ishta dheivam is thirumala perumAL. But nowadays whenever I try to think of him some other face is coming to my mind (not part of our SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam itself, without my intention). I try to redirect my focus back to perumAL, but I’m just not able to. Please guide what I can do.

Need to try to focus better. Instead of closing your eyes and thinking about him, have a picture of thirumalA perumAL and see him more and grasp his divine form more often. Also, recite pAsurams on him and listen to more lectures on him – all of these will help to increase the focus.

Can we chant ashtAkshara manthra (thirumanthram)?

We don’t chant ashtAkshara manthra – our chanting (japa) should be guruparampara and dhvaya mahAmanthra – while chanting we should meditate on the meaning of the manthra. This is already explained in

Traditionally how many parikramas should a SrIvaishNava do before entering temple?

Generally, it is said to be 2.

In sankalpam (of sandhyAvandhanam etc.), shall we say only dhAsOham or sharmOham followed by dhAsoham after name?

sharma is only said, not dhAsa.

Please explain how chanting guru paramparai and dhvaya mahA manthram is significant compared to nAma sankIrthanam for SrIvaishNavas.

nAma sankIrthanam is a wonderful aspect which nurtures one’s attachment towards bhagavAn. But chanting guru paramparai and dhvaya mahA manthram, ensures that we follow the proper process always in remembering SrIman nArAyaNa. We should always approach bhagavAn through the guru paramaparai. After reciting guru paramparai manthra, one should recite dhvaya mahA manthram, considering 1) bhagavAn’s divine lotus feet as the means, with the recommendation of SrI mahAlakshmi, highlighting our emptyness and refuge-less state. 2) praying for eternal kainkaryam for the pleasure of SrI mahAlakshmi and SrIman nArAyaNa. Such constant prayer will ensure that we remain in-tact in our understanding of self and the goal.

Why are we not supposed to do japam of thirumanthram like we do for dhvaya mahA manthram?

dhvaya mahA manthram is an elaboration of the concepts explained in thirumanthram. It is complete with clearly spelling out SrI mahAlakshmi’s role. Hence our AchAryas always preferred chanting of guru paramparai and dhvaya mahA manthram.

Can AchAryar’s SrIpAdha thIrtham be used to do prOkshanam around the house? Since it was said that an exalted SrIvaishNava’s presence can purify the whole place, it can also be said that the water which washed AchAryar’s thiruvadi will also purify the whole place. Is this understanding, correct?

Usually for purification, we will get puNyAhavachanam done by purOhitha and sprinkle that everywhere. Logically SrIpAdha thIrtham can be used – but only problem is we will end up stepping on SrIpAdha thIrtham after sprinkling the same -which should not be done.

On what days can we pluck thuLasi leaves?

For thiruvArAdhanam, we can pluck daily.

Should perumAL also fast with us on EkAdhasi?

No fasting for perumAL.

So, is it okay to partake prasAdham on EkAdhasi? adiyEn has practice of offering dry fruits like dates on EkAdhaSi days and used to partake that. Is that okay to continue?

It is not okay to partake prasAdham on EkAdhaSi. But a little bit can be consumed if it is given inside temple sannidhis as a gesture in respect of prasAdham. But if one is very strict in observing EkAdhaSi fast, that can also be avoided.

Dry fruits can be offered to perumAL, but one need not consume it on EkAdhaSi day, if one can manage without them. But if one needs energy to sustain or one cannot survive without eating something, then dry fruits or fresh fruits can be consumed. Dates, figs, etc., which we get in market today are all processed – they are not ideal for vaidhIka anushtAnams. Anything unprocessed is better usually.

Is it true that if we pluck flowers for pUja, we become contaminated and we should pluck flowers before shower for pUja?

No that is not correct – in a lot of places, gardens will be inside the temple and we pluck flowers and make garland there itself. No contamination is incurred in that. Of course we cannot enter temple, without taking bath.

Can we worship meera with krishNa in temples?

We can see meera et. al. as great devotees – but not sure about her full history, and we may not know the actual full history. Ideally, we can go to temples which are having our AzhwArs’/AchAryas’ connection.

Is there any dhOsham if we have sathsangam or have prasAdham in vaishNava temples which are not according to SrIvaishNava principles such as uduppi or ISKCON or vada nAdu and malai nAdu dhivya dhEsams?

For us, it is ideal to be with rAmAnuja sambandhis – we must strive to get this. Others are secondary/alternate options only. In fact, this will be the standard in all sampradhAyams.

When we are in other sathsangam – as long as it has pure vaishNava philosophy and activities that is fine. prasAdham is a different issue – for us, it is better to get prasAdham from those who have same mindset of SaraNAgathi. If get prasAdham from others, their thoughts on self-effort, etc., may be transferred through the prasAdham for us.

How to concentrate only on bhagavAn and kainkaryam related matters especially when it is very difficult to control the oscillation of our mind in materialistic circumstances?

We need to improve step by step. Overnight we cannot go from laukikam to kainkaryam. Slowly, we need to train our mind to accept the situation we are in – that is the reality. The situation we are in now, is based on our own choices. So, we cannot blame anyone else. Hence, we have to focus our mind on perumAL, AzhwArs/AchAryas, listen to their greatness through regular kAlakshEpams, and develop ourselves to become more balanced and handle the situations in a better way. Everything bad happening to us is because of our karma. Anything good happens to us, that is due to bhagavAn’s nirhEthuka krupA – so we have to constantly long for that krupA to manifest on us and we have to make use of that krupA to progress and change our situations. bhagavAn gives many opportunities – if we are not alert, we will easily miss them and struggle.

Is a SUdhra eligible for giving upanyAsam?

Anyone can give upanyAsam – irrespective of varNam/gender. But SUdhras and women cannot say portions from vEdham – hence they need to simply say the meanings. But grantha kAlakshEpams, without the pramANams, etc., it is difficult to convey the full meaning and kAlakshEpam will not be complete. Hence usually brAhmaNas only give kAlakshEpam. Of course, one should have studied properly under the guidance of elders for several years to start giving upanyAsam.

Does our sampradhAyam recommend using japa mAla for chanting manthrams or just our fingers are enough to count?

Please see – Counting is not recommended and should not be done. It should be spontaneous and as long as possible, till something else comes up.

During perumAL puRappAdu, which prabandham should we recite as an individual (not part of gOshti)? Also, is there any specific set of pAsurams to be recited based on the vAhanam?

Any iyaRpA prabandham can be recited. Different dhivya dhEsams follow different practice. So, no single standard.

In all pAsurams in the ending there is adi varavu. What is the use of it? 

It is memorised while learning prabandhams. This will help quick retrieval of pAsurams in sequence from the memory. It is a very useful tool for that.

While doing SrAdhdham, if any brAhamaNa asks yAsagam, can we do dhAnam to them?

Usually, when we are engaged in some karma – it is better to complete that and then attend other matters. Those brAhmaNas can be politely asked to wait.

In SrIvishNu sahasranAmam sthOtram, praNavam is used in few occasions. Can everyone recite these slokas as it is with praNavam or do we need to skip praNavam?

There are different viewpoints in reciting sahasranAmam – traditionally it is said that everyone can recite nAma portion – viSvam to sarvapraharaNAyudha. But introduction and pala Sruthi is meant only for dhvijas (males). However, praNavam should not be recited by non-dhvijas.

ashtAkshari contains praNavam. Therefore, can ashtAkshari be recited?

ashtAkshari is an exception and since it is given in upadhESam by an AchArya during pancha samskAram, it can be recited. But in our sampradhAyam, it is only recited softly and not loudly. Also, it is only recited once in the morning after applying Urdhva puNdram. Subsequently, we should only recite guruparamparai and dhvayam, whenever possible.  As per our pUrvAchAryas, ashtAkshari should not be engaged in japa and hOma by prapannas.

Does reciting and japam mean same?

manthrams are not generally recited, they are used in japam only, except for the case when they are part of vEdha vAkyams which are recited in pArAyaNam.

Being a student of Business and Management, students are taught about shares and debentures and investing in stock markets. But vaishNavas should not do investments since all this come under gambling. How to overcome this situation?

Whatever studies have been taken up – we have to study and complete the course. When we have to work, at that time we can plan your future course of action.

When a devotee offers sambhAvanai to AchAryan, or in temple when we accept prasAdham, we don’t know who sponsored, etc. With or without knowing we accept or purchase so many things. It was told that we should just say “sarvam SrI krishNArppaNamasthu” and accept it or use it. When legally unearned money reaches a SrIvaishNava and if accepted will that person’s pApams reduce?

 In the past, as in mAmunigaL’s life, he will accept produce (vegetables) coming from SrIvaishNava farmers only. Nowadays, it is difficult to follow such nishtai – possibly, we can try to minimize our attachment and desire in everything, and limit ourselves to be focussed on kainkaryam only and accepting as much prasAdham which will help us do kainkaryam well.

Can women worship temple bells?

Women are not allowed to worship temple bells.

For a SrIvaishNava whether gayA or SrI badhrikASramam sthalam is apt to perform SrAdhdham?

gayA SrAdhdham is a proper tradition which is performed by SrIvaishNavas.

Can we do sathyanArAyaNa vratham?

We don’t observe sathyanArAyaNa pUja in our sampradhAyam. Ideally, we should not participate in it also.

What should we do if hair comes in the food while cooking for perumAL?

If possible, separate the portion where the hair touched, that portion can be thrown away and remaining can be used, so that food is not wasted.

What does our sampradhAyam say about agni hOthram? Is samithA dhAnam and agni hOthram a crucial part of nithya karma like sandhyAvadhanam?

There is no specific mention of it in the dhinacharyA (daily routine) shown by our pUrvAchAryas. samithAdhAnam and aupAsanam are respectively for brahmachAris and gruhasthas. Among these two, samithAdhAnam is practiced little bit more than aupAsanam. But in percentage, both are being performed by very small percentage of people.

Do gruhasthas have to perform brahma yagyam daily?

Yes – it is part of our daily routine such as sandhyAvandhanam, thiruvArAdhanam, thadhIyArAdhanam etc.

Should agnikAryam be done before or after sandhyAvandhanam in morning and evening?

Yes – usually samithA dhAnam and aupAsanam will be done after sandhyAvandhanam.

What mangaLASAsanam pAsurams can we recite when we are at thAyAr sannidhi?

thiruppallANdu pAsuram can be recited. Also, pUrvAchArya sthOthrams such as ALavandhAr’s chathu:SlOkI, SrI sthavam, etc., can be recited.

Why is siRiya thirumadal recited on Fridays?

Usually, friday puRappAdu will be for thAyAr in most temples. At that time, since she is alone, siRiya thirumadal is recited, to show her longing towards perumAL.

When all adiyArs are equal for perumAL, is it okay to pay money and get ahead when we take darshan of perumAL? How should we understand this?

Ideally, we should not do it – but some end up doing it, citing various reasons. If it is money for some, it is influence for others. Certainly, those who do kainkaryam, will get certain benefits in dharSan – that is fine. One should have the mindset to have dharSan in one opportunity and be peaceful in recollecting that dharSan subsequently, instead of trying to misuse our money and influence.

On dhvAdhaSi day, is it okay to break the fast by accepting thIrtham, thiruthuzhAi (thuLasi) and prasAdham from nearby perumAL temple first, and to perform thiruvArAdhanam at home later?

Yes – it can be done, as long as it is little prasAdham.

What is the prAyaSchiththam if we eat rice on EkAdhasi, unknowingly?

Usually, next day or so, we can try to minimize food consumption. Also, general atonement for any mistake is to accept acharya SrIpAdha thIrtham.

What thaniyans should we recite before studying bhagavath gIthA?

It is sufficient to recite the podhu thaniyans before reciting bhagavath gIthA.

Can people of all varNas hear vEdham?

Chanting vEdhams are part of learning, vaidhIka rituals or temple kainkaryams. It is not specifically to a group of people. Hence, it can be heard by all. But it cannot be specifically/separately heard by those who are not qualified to learn and recite, that is, those who don’t have yagyOpavItham.

For yajur upAkarma (AvaNi avittam), should shaving be done on the same day or previous day and is this applicable for brahmachAris and gruhasthas?

On the same day of upAkarma, by brahmachAris only.

Why is thiruppAvai allowed to be recited during anadhyayana kAlam?

We sing it through dhanur mAsam since thiruppAvai and dhanur mAsa has close connection.

What is the adhikAram required to recite upadhESa raththina mAlai of maNavALa mAmunigaL? Is either samASrayaNa or upanayanam required, or both?

It is nowadays taught even to small children. But in one of the commentaries, it is seen that it is to be learnt only by those who have had samASrayaNam.

For sandhyAvandhanam, should SAyamsandhi also be performed after manthra, mAnasIka snAnam?

manthra snAnam is part of sandhyAvandhanam itself – in ApOhishtA manthrams.

Can the praNavam in the 19th verse of upadhESa raththina mAlai be recited without upanayanam?

Yes, it is a thamizh word without svaram – so it can be recited as part of the pAsuram.

During SrIjayanthi when to fast, offer arghya and perform thiruvArAdhanam?

We usually fast till the birth of krishNa, at midnight, do thiruvArAdhanam and break our fast after that. We have to do it only on the day when we celebrate SrIjayanthi at our home. We have to celebrate it at our home based on the practice of our AchArya mutt/thirumALigai or the dhivyadhESam we are associated with.

If a brAhmaNa gets yagyOpavItham after the prescribed age, is he allowed to perform vEdha adhyayanam?

While doing the upanayanam, they would do some prAyaSchiththam for the delay. Usually, it is said that upanayanam should be done by 15 years maximum.

Is it wrong if we can’t do the dhvAdhaSi pAraNai in the morning as prescribed?

We should try our best – but if it does not happen due to other kainkaryams, it is fine. It should not be delayed for laukIka reasons.

Can we offer thuLasi leaves at the feet of AzhwArs and AchAryas?

Yes – it can be done. Conceptually – one bhAgavatha will be more than happy to be at the divine feet of another.

Can women chant sthOtram while doing kitchen work?

Yes – Ideally while doing kitchen work, they can recite AzhwArs’ pAsurams such as thiruppAvai, sthOthrams like yathirAja vimSathi, and rahasya granthams such as mumukshuppadi. If one has not memorised these, recite guru paramparai manthram and dhvaya mahA manthram repeatedly.

What is the meaning and significance of kAmO kArshIth manyunakArshIth manthrams that we ought to perform japam?

Generally, vEdha adhyayanam (learning and recital) should be performed after upAkarma only till thai mAsam. During other times, vEdhAngams and other SAsthrams should be learnt. As part of kAmO kArshIth japam, we repent for having performed vEdha adhyayanam during the anadhyayana time for vEdham. We say that I have performed the same due to our desire and mind’s intent and repent for having done adhyayanam when we are not supposed to do the same.

What is the significance of consuming agaththi keerai on dhvAdhaSi? Also, can we cut agaththi keerai using knife?

Probably for health reasons, SAsthram/elders may have prescribed this lighter diet for dhvAdhaSi, which includes moong dhal, nellikkay, agaththi keerai, sundai vaththal, etc., which will be easy for the stomach to digest. It is true that we should not cut agathi keerai, should just extract the leaves and cook them in full only.

Can women recite vishNu sahasranAmam?

Starting from ‘vishwam vishNu’ and ending with ‘sarvapraharaNAyutha’ everyone can say, is usually accepted. Otherwise, only those with yagyOpavItham can say vishNu sahasranAmam, is the understanding.

Why do we perform tharpaNam? Also, is it correct to say “AthmA takes multiple births until it goes back to vaikuNtam”?

First – there is no “going back to vaikuNtam” – it is “reaching vaikuNtam”.  samsAra includes different lOkas. An AthmA after leaving a body, can attain any lOka and any body in such lOkas. General belief in sanAthana dharma is – one will go to pithru lOka in certain cases. The 12 day rituals are to help the AthmA in its journey. Subsequent tharpaNams are also to support our ancestors who may be present in pithru lOka. Once the AthmA leaves pithru lOka, then it goes thru different births again – in such cases, our help will not be needed. But even as a SrIvaishNava we have to do tharpaNam, since we don’t know how many of our countless ancestors may be present in pithru lOkam.   

Is there any reference for not wearing SrIchUrnam during ASoucham?

Our elders’ anushtAnams are important reference for us. It should be there in dharma SAsthram.

As part of anushtAnam, immediately after waking up, why do we recite thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi?

Do we have to only say the guruparamparA thaniyan: “asmadh gurubhyO nama: …” with dhvayam or we can say other guruparamparA thaniyan “lakshmInAtha samArambhAm …” with dhvayam?

This is to wake up the antharyAmi emperumAn. Though he never sleeps, as we wake up it is courteous to wake him up also.

“asmadh gurubhyO nama: …” is guru parampara manthram. It is usually recited before dhvayam recital. lakshmInAtha thaniyan is recited during the commencement of any pAsurams, sthOthram recital and also part of commencement of kAlakshEpams.

Can SrI vaishNavAs go to pandaripuram? Can we worship SrI pAndurangan and chant ‘vittaLa’?

We can do all of these. But our primary focus is to be on dhivya dhESams and our chanting should only be guruparamparai and dhvayam. Often times, people get attached to a particular form of bhagavAn based on someone saying “he is powerful, he will bestow all wishes etc”. If we get attached in such manner, it is not apt in our sampradhAyam. We should have attachment towards perumAL in different archA forms, not due to any materialistic goals, but only for performing mangaLASAsanam to him, without any other expectations.

Do brahmachAris get affected by ASoucham? Also, is the tradition of not to cut moustache until father is dead, applicable to us?

1 – If brahmachAris stay in the same place as those who have ASoucham and mix with them – then they don’t have purity to engage in any kainkaryams. If they don’t mix with ASoucham people at all, then they can take part in kainkaryams, and other usual routine.

2 – not true for SrIvaishNavas.

During gAyathrI japam should we focus on the form of nArAyaNa or the meaning of gAyathrI?

nArAyaNa is the object of all our meditation.

How do we know we have our AchArya’s paripUrNa anugraham?

Firstly, we have to do the kainkaryams that we can towards AchAryan. Even though he has abhimAnam on us, and is satisfied with our kainkaryam, he will give us more and more instructions for the ujjIvanam of our AthmA. By this we can know that AchArya has abhimAnam for our Athma ujjIvanam. Some who are embodiment of karuNai will help towards the upliftment of AthmA even if we don’t perform kainkaryam. Even then, in order for us to retain our svarUpa state, we must try our best to perform kainkaryam for such elders.

Can we recite dhivya prabandhams in mind?


Do widows have to wear thirumaN and SrIchUrNam? What does pUsaNi seed size and sesame seed size indicate for the size of thilakam for women?

Yes – pUsaNi seed size means usual sticker thilakam size. Sesame seed size means a small dot. In both cases, thirumaN is compulsory.

Can portions in the purANas and ithihAsas which don’t contain praNavam or bijAksharas be recited by adhvijas?

Usually, it is not recommended. SrIvaishNavAs should focus on dhivya prabandham and rahasya granthams, with their commentary.

What meaning of rahasya thrayam to meditate upon while waking up in the morning?

The essence of rahasya thrayam is to accept that – we are eternal servitors of SrIman nArAyaNa, who depend on him and who pray to be accepted in his service.

Why do we recite gAyathrI japam during sandhyAvandhanam? Can SrIvaishNavas recite gAyathrI japam? Can we recite vishNu gAyathrI instead of that?

sandhyAvandhanam is a vaidhIka ritual which is meant for those who are wearing yagyOpavItham – it must be performed as it is explained in dharma SAsthram only – we cannot change it because we are SrIvaishNavas.

Similar to SrISailESa dhayApAthram thaniyan can be used for dhyAnam, can other thaniyans be used for japam?

japam – guruparamparai thaniyan (asmadh gurubhyO nama: to SrIdharAya nama:) and dhvaya mahA manthram.

Can we do sankalpams during pavithrOthsavams and yAgams at temples?

These are all mostly recent practices – they are done to encourage donors and prospective donors. No need to do such sankalpams.

Is it acceptable that SrI vaishNavas are performing kainkaryam without pancha samskAram? Can we perform pUjai and kainkaryams at temple without pancha samskAram?

They shouldn’t do that. Definitely pancha samskAram must be done before doing kainkaryams at temples. Temple administrators must include people for kainkaryam only after confirming this.

What are the alternatives if we can’t do SrAdhdham due to illness?

We can do it on the next month same thithi.

In case of our grandparents, do we need to perform annual SrAdhdham as per their individual thithi or do we need to do it one time during mahAlaya paksha?

Annual thithi is compulsory. mahAlaya paksha is not commonly followed by everyone. It is optional only and is considered as kAmyArtha (focussed on material benefits) by some section of the scholars.

Can we eat food and accept sambAvanai when we go for sEvAkAlam to gruhams for Subham and varushApthigham?

If the food is properly prepared in SrIvaishNava kramam, thiruvArAdhanam done properly and proper thadhIyArAdhana kramam is followed – then we can accept. sambAvanai can be accepted and used for sath kainkaryams.

Can we accept sambAvanai at temples during uthsavam and other kainkaryam?

Yes – it is standard practice to honour kainkaryaparas with some sambAvanai. While we should not demand, if it is voluntarily given with devotion, we can accept sambAvanai anywhere. Such sambAvanai can be saved and used for our essential needs; if we have excess, it can be used for sath kainkaryams.

What pAsurams can be chanted for purattAsi mAsam Saturdays?

Any pAsuram can be recited – no such restriction. Each Saturday, you can choose different prabandhams and recite. Or you can select thiruvEnkatamudaiyAn pAsurams and recite.

Is there an authentic way of observing purattAsi thaLigai?

Not any specific purattAsi thaLigai – its usual thaLigai only even during purattAsi month.

Similar to jIyar sEvai in thirumalai, is there jIyar sEvai in SrI rangam?

No. There is no dhivya prabandha sEvAkAlam in front of mUlavar sannidhi usually – except for rare situations. All sEvAkAlam happens in rAmAnujAr sannidhi and other AzhwAr/AchArya sannidhis.

How should parents bless their kids?

Parents should bless their kids to always become good kainkaryaparas.

Do we have to recite AchArya thaniyan and thiruppallANddu everytime we start dhivya prabandham recitation?

Yes – common thaniyans are required for every session. thiruppallANdu may or may not be recited – it’s up to you. But as part of nithyAnusandhAnam we need to recite thiruppallANdu.

What can we do in situations where we are ill and unable to perform thiruvArAdhanam?

When body becomes sick, our routine will certainly be disturbed. We have no other choice than asking for forgiveness from perumAL and wait for body to get better. This is one of the reasons why we should take care of the body properly to the extent where our kainkaryams and anushtAnams can continue. This can happen by maintaining proper hygiene, regular/moderated food habits (as per SAsthram) and active lifestyle (walking as much as possible).

People who took laddu as prasAdham of thirumalai, should they now do prAyaSchiththam? Or since it is offered to perumAL it is fine to consume?

First of all, not all laddus are offered. So, it is better for SrIvaishNavas not to take/purchase laddu from the counter. Only those laddus which come from sannidhi through kainkaryaparas directly, which are offered to perumAL can be taken. Since this has happened in the past and it was not known to anyone who consumed – general prAyaSchiththam of accepting SrIpAdha thIrtham of AchArya or uththama SrIvaishNavas will be the ideal way to atone and purify ourselves. Even if offered to bhagavAn, if the food is contaminated with forbidden ingredients, it should be discarded by us. It may be prasAdham, but not consumable by those who have strict AhAra nishtai.

In dhvAdhaSi pAraNai, what should we cook, and what is the procedure of pAraNai?

Usually agaththi keerai, nellikkAy (goose berry), etc., should be there. moong dhAl is main ingredient. pAraNai should be done as early as possible after doing thiruvArAdhanam, approximately before 8.30 a.m.

Can we do kainkaryam in dhEsika sampradhAyam temples as they have no objection of thennAchArya doing kainkaryam there or should we be at home and only perform gruha perumAL thiruvArAdhanam?

In any SrIvaishNava temple – getting kainkaryam is dependent on emperumAn’s and thAyAr’s grace. As far as kainkaryams in sannidhis, we can do kainkaryam, whichever SrIvaishNava sampradhAya temple/sannidhi is there. But more importantly, we need to engage in kainkaryam where it is really required. In some cases, there may be 50 adhyApakas in one sannidhi, but somewhere else, there may only be few. We need to be present where we are needed. Also, kainkaryam should be done with the help of some mentor’s (AchArya’s) advice, rather than voluntarily taking it up.  Doing kainkaryam to gruha perumAL is also important – we should strike a balance between different kainkaryams. We should also not leave kAlakshEpams, just because we are engaged in some kainkaryam. kAlakshEpams should go on forever, simultaneously.

Can non-prapannas read rAmAnujar’s gadhya trayam?

Yes. Only if certain to get samASrayaNa.

In how many days/months naming ceremony should be done after birth?

Usually, 11th or 12th day after birth of the child.

Does eating rice before pAraNai time considered as eating rice on EkAdhaSi?

Yes – eating/drinking anything is considered at par with pAraNai only.

Is it mandatory for eldest son to perform annual SrAdhdham or other sons can perform too?

Usually, all children will gather and do together. If they are separated and start doing on their own, they have to continue that way. Even unmarried persons need to fulfil SrAdhdha karma.

Which pAsurams can we recite during laghu brahmOthsavams?

Depends on how many days it is celebrated. If 10 days uthsavams, we can complete the whole 4000 otherwise try to complete thiruvAimozhi and iyaRpA.

How to perform puNyAhavachanam after 1 day, 3 days and 10 days theetu?

We can get puNyAhavachanam done from someone else’s place and do prOkshaNam on all objects which were touched. Also, all clothes and utensils which were touched need to be fully washed. Utensils can be washed with water mixed with cow dung.

Do nAmam manthras require any adhikAram to be able to recite them?

Every manthra has a nAma. Any manthra usually needs upadhESam before practiced. Just reciting nAma can be done by anyone at any time – there is no specific qualification required.

If a manthram is recited without upadhESam and then we realise that we can only recite after receiving upadhESam, what prAyaSchiththam to be done?

Sincerely ask for forgiveness to perumAL since it is done without harming others. And also vow not to repeat such mistake.

During navarAthri period which pAsurams can we read to thAyAr?

siRiya thirumadal and periya thirumadal can be recited on a daily basis.

For a woman- if we have ASoucham from the passing away of father in law’s elder brother – and the dates of ASoucham is overlapping with mother’s first year SrAdhdha and Subham, can we attend mother’s ceremonies?

 Cannot attend mother’s ceremony due to this ASoucham from husband side.

Is there any specific order for reciting dhivya prabandham?

Depends on the occasion, duration, etc. There are also minor variations in the sequence depending on the place where you are.

What to do if, after setting dolls for navarAthri ASoucham happened?

Let it be there. No need to do anything. After ASoucham, put it back.

What is done in paramapadhOthsavam? Is it for all SrI vaishNavas who leave their body?

Yes – usually among brAhmaNa SrIvaishNavas, 13 days kramam is properly done which covers all vaidhIka rituals for the departed person. In other varNas, this may not be done properly – so they perform vaikuNtOthsavam or paramapadhOthsavam in the presence of their AchArya (if possible), to fulfil the final rites which are to be performed.

How many time gAyathrI japam during sandhyAvandhanam can be done for birth ASoucham?

 If ASoucham – recite a reduced number of gAyathrI manthram (28) during sandhyAvandhanam.

Can women chant gAyathrI manthram?

Women cannot chant gAyathrI manthram.

Is it a standard practice to wear 3 more strands of yagyOpavItham after father’s death?

Not a standard practice.

While visiting any dhivya dhEsam, what pAsurams can we recite?

As a standard, we always recite thiruppallANdu in any dhivyadhESam, for mangaLASAsanam. sthala pAurams can be recited. If there is time, more pAsurams such as kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, thiruppAvai, etc., can always be recited.

How to do madhuparka?

Fruits and honey can be used.

Can we recite Adhithya hrudhayam?

It is not necessary for us to recite Adhithya hrudhayam. We should focus on dhivyaprabandhams, sthOthrams and pAsurams done by our pUrvAchAryas and their meanings only.

Can we study and learn nArAyaNIyam (concise form of bhAgavatham)?

After becoming a SrIvaishNava, it is compulsory for us to focus on SrIvaishNava literature – whatever is required for us from various perspectives – all of those are given to us by AzhwArs/AchAryas mercifully.

During free times, should we perform anusandhAnam on rAma nAma, or dhvayam or emperumAnAr thirunAmam?

In general, SrIvaishNavas must chant guruparamparai and dhvayam together, repeatedly in mind, whenever possible. Also, emperumAnAr’s thirunAmam is most important for us and should be remembered – hence “SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:” can be chanted by anyone (those who have had samASrayaNam to show their love and gratitude towards him and those who desire to have samASrayaNam to be blessed with samASrayaNam).

We as SrIvaishNavas, don’t need to do japa of anything else.

Reciting pAsurams and sthOthrams are separate and one can do as per one’s situation.

Can we perform sundhara kANdam pArAyaNam?

Usually men do sundhara kANda pArAyaNam – that too only some men and that too not just sundhara kANdam, but whole of SrI rAmAyaNam. Focus must be on reciting pAsurams and pUrvAchArya sthOthrams in a proper routine.

Why do we perform tharpaNam?

Doing tharpaNam is a vaidhIka duty – if we are follower of visishtAdhvaitha sampradhAyam – we should follow the rules as well.

tharpaNam goes to the ancestors of the current birth, who still remain in pithru lOkam. This family which we are born, has a lengthy ancestry leading up to the beginning of the current yuga cycle. It is based on current birth’s ancestry only. You cannot do for countless births, now.

There may be some who remain in pithru lOkam – all may have left. Still, there is a purpose for doing vaidhIka kriyAs.

SAsthram is more caring than 1000 mothers/fathers. It will not let us do anything futile. Performing vaidhIka karmas will purify the individual who performs them and bring sathva guNam.

How many times should brahmachAris do gAyathrI japam?

Can do 108 japams if possible, with good focus on bhagavAn as the one who is residing in the sUrya maNdala. But if it’s not possible to do 108, we can do 28.

What do we do, if, while chanting gAyathrI, we get unwanted thoughts and lose focus?

Break the japam, bring back the focus and reengage in japam.

Is gAyathrI japam and gAyathrI manthram same?

manthram is the verse. japam is the process of repeating it.

How to fulfill the 3 runAs (pithru, dhEva and rishi) for human beings?

As part of our thiruvArAdhanam and thadhIyArAdhanam, all of these will be taken care of. By pleasing bhagavAn and bhAgavathas, everyone will be pleased.

Depending on one’s varNa, thiruvArAdhanam has certain angams such as sandhyAvandhanam to be done. Those will be sufficient. Whatever is compulsory, we need to do those only.

Can hayagrIva sahasranAma sthOtram be recited by dhvijas daily?

Probably – but we should try to avoid praying for anything to bhagavAn, except for kainkaryam. If the intent is to gain materialistic knowledge and progress, then it is not apt for prapannas.

Can we pray to bhagavAn for bhakthi, gyAnam and vairAgyam?

In context of acquiring knowledge about bhagavAn, bhakthi towards him and vairAgyam towards others, yes. Because all of these aid in kainkaryam. Still better to simply ask for kainkaryam – which will include all that is necessary for us.

Should the sthOthrams be recited as a kainkaryam to bhagavAn?

Yes – all our thoughts, speech and actions must be submitted to bhagavAn as kainkaryam only.

Does every action (like brushing teeth) in our daily lives, be done as kainkaryam?

In samsAra – our acts are divided into direct kainkaryam, indirect kainkaryam and laukeeka activities. For example, thiruvArAdhanam is direct kainkaryam; brushing teeth, snAnam are angams for thiruvArAdhanam – hence indirect kainkaryam; when such activities are not thought by the individual as part of kainkaryam and done in a bodily mood, then such act is neither direct nor indirect kainkaryam. It depends on the combination of our mindset and the activity. Anything done with selfish/bodily interest, it will accrue punya or pApa.

Can we recite dhivya prabandhams without pancha samskAram?

Usually, nammAzhwAr’s prabandhams are said to be equivalent to 4 vEdhams and are hence taught after pancha samskAram. Other pAsurams are taught to everyone, even before pancha samskAram.

Can we write ‘SrI rAma jayam’ manthram, like we see in practice?

‘SrI rAma jayam’ writing is not a standard practice in SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam. We can instead focus on learning pAsurams, sthOthrams and reciting them and listening to kAlakshEpams.

Similar to revising santhai at home after the class, what post-class study protocols can we engage in, after attending kAlakshEpam classes?

Yes – for santhai – we need to do practice sessions after learning.

For kAlakshEpams, we have to revisit the grantham after kAlakshEpam is over and ensure that we have understood the principles clearly. If needed, the particular lecture can be re-heard (since we have the option available in YouTube now, in our case). Subsequently, we should also contemplate the principles and try to apply whichever aspect possible in our life. This will help us make steady progress.

Is there a specific sequence in which pancha sthavam of kUrESa (kUraththAzhwAn) to be read?

SrI sthavam, varadharAja sthavam, sundharabAhu stavam, athimAnusha sthavam and SrIvaikuNta sthavam.

Why do we put haldhi on our yagyOpavItham knot?

It is not mandatory – it is applied for some people for auspiciousness. For even for our clothes, when we first wear them, we add a little bit of haldi and offer to perumAL and then wear it.

Can we recite pAsurams or listen to kAlakshEpams during vruddhi (birth) theettu and kshaya (death) theettu (ASoucham)?

Reciting pAsurams aloud is not generally practiced. They can be recited in the mind to oneself. The same holds true with regard to kAlakshEpams, because during olden days, people attended kAlakshEpams in person. So, when a person with ASoucham attends kAlakshEpams, it causes disturbances to others. But these days, due to use if technology, during vruddhi theettu, we can listen to kAlakshEpams without touching the granthams. During times of kshaya theettu, that also should be avoided.

Is there anything specific to do on dhIpAvaLi lakshmI pUjA? Also, when is thiruvArAdhanam done on dhIpAvaLi day?

Regular thiruvArAdhanam on dhIpAvaLi morning only- nothing more.

Is the whole of sandhyOpAsanam supposed to be chanted in head?

Not exactly. Usually, we chant the manthrams so that it’s heard by the chanter.

Can ladies recite SrI sUktham and perform pArAyanam of bhAgavatham?

Ladies should certainly not recite any portion from vEdham including SrIsUktham. Regarding thirumanthram – since we get upadhESam from an AchArya, it can be recited once a day in the morning after applying thirumaN/SrIchUrNam, only very mildly (without anyone else hearing it). But there is some difference of opinion between sampradhAyams in whether thirumanthram can be recited fully or not by ladies.  ithihAsas/purANams are to be done pArAyaNam by thraivarNikas generally. There is some difference of opinion in this also. Better to focus on dhivyaprabandhams, sthOthrams, rahasya granthams and their vyAkyAnams – everyone can do this and must channelise their time and energy in learning these only.

Can women perform EkAdhaSi vratham if they have menstrual cycle?

If possible, for the individual, she can fast.

What is the frequency of EkAdhaSi occurring? Why are we observing it?

EkAdhaSi occurs once every fortnight. It is the 11th day after full moon day and no moon day. Anyone can observe EkAdhaSi – actual observance per SAsthram is very difficult. Most of us try to fast on that day, nowadays. But the real intent is to constantly remain with bhagavAn and meditate upon him, sing about his glories, etc.

Can we recite rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi during anadhyayana kAlam?

No. rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi is also part of 4000 dhivyaprabandham and so it cannot be recited.

Can we recite thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi during anadhyayana kAlam?

Yes. We can recite thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi during anadhyayana kAlam.

Is it true than when returning from thirumalai yAthrA, one should directly return to their home and not go to any other dhivya dhESams?

We can certainly go to other dhivya dhESams. In guruparamparA vaibhavam, we can see AchAryAs like emperumAnAr when they went on pilgrimage, after performing mangaLASAsanam at thirumalA, on return, serving many dhivya dhESams like kAnchIpuram.

Who can recite jithanthE sthOthram?

jithanthE sthOthram is part of vEdham – hence can only be recited by dhvijas.

What is the sequence of pAsurams and prabandham to recite in temples during uthsavams?

Standard sequence may differ from dhivyadhESam to dhivyadhESam. Usually, thiruppallANdu, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai, amalanAdhipirAn, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi is the sequence. In some places, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu is either recited in the beginning or after thiruppallANdu. Always common thaniyans are recited first.

In our sampradhAyam, do we follow krishNa yajurvEdham approach in sandhyAvandhanam procedure?

 Yes. We follow krishNa yajur vEdham.

Can we listen to kAlakshEpam during vrudhdhi theettu?

We can’t go and listen in person; but we can listen to live session but still cannot touch the granthams.

Who is gAyathrI dhEvi and what is her relevance in SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam?

gAyathrI manthram is an important manthram to be recited by dhvijas as part of sandhyAvandhanam. It emphasises the meditation of supreme lord SrIman nArAyaNa. gAyathrI dhEvi is the controlling dhEvathA for that manthra – we don’t specifically worship that dhEvathA – but we worship bhagavAn through that manthram.

Can adhvija prapannas recite gadhya thrayam?

All prapannas can recite gadhya thrayam.

Is saptha kAdhai a rahasya grantham? Who are allowed to read the grantham?

Yes. saptha kAdhai is a rahasya grantham which can only be studied by prapannas.

Can a person who gets dhIkshA from a pAncharAthra AchAryan do kainkaryam in a vaikAnasa sannidhi and vice versa?

Usually, Agamam mixing cannot happen. One has to get initiated in the particular Agama.

Is dhIkshA absolutely necessary to enter a garbhagraham and also touch perumAL during thirumanjanam?

Yes – usually some dhIkshA either Agama or pancha samskAram is required to enter into garbhagraham, cooking center, etc. Touching is usually limited to designated persons only.

Can we apply thirumaN kAppu multiple times in a day?

We can do multiple times, if necessary. We can re-apply thirumaN/SrIchUrNam, if they lost their full shape.

Is there a possibility for us to do everything as a kainkaryam to bhagavAn or emperumAnAr in this material world? (like even going for work to earn money for a living or doing other household things in laukIkam)? Or are we saying these just to cheat ourselves? Can laukIkam be ever considered as kainkaryam based on one’s mental state? In other words, will people with the right prapanna mental state ever do laukIka work?

 Excellent question.

If the laukika work we do is in line with our varNASrama dharmam and if we do it with the 3 types of thyAga (karthruthva thyAga – I am not the doer, mamathA thyAga – this is not my job and pala thyAga – I am not attached to the results), then it can be said as kainkaryam.

For example, if a brAhmaNa performs pUja for others or teaches vEdham etc for livelihood, with the three thyAga, then it can be considered as kainkaryam.

Otherwise, it cannot be considered as kainkaryam. Similarly, for kshathriya, vaiSya and SUdhra, one can work according to their varNa. kshathriyas can help protect society and vaiSya can engage in business and SUdhra can engage in labour/work for others – as long as the work is righteous. Same three thyAga should be there in kshathriya/vaiSya/SUdhra also.

Ideally, women can support their husband and family, nurture/guide the children and others in the society.

If we work like others (materialistic people) for money, we ensure our comfortable living etc, and then spend some money for bhagavAn/AchArya/bhAgavathas or do a little bit of physical kainkaryam in the weekends or whenever we are free, that is not the ideal position. We must give up such mentality sooner and later and align ourselves with kainkaryam mentality.

What dharmam should a person follow, who is without varNam?

 SUdhra varNa dharmam can be applied in such case – which is what anyway many of us are doing these days – that is, doing labour.