SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
1. Are all dhaSAvathArams pUrNAvathArams? Is paraSurAmAvathAra the only gauNAvathAra among all? –
2. What distinguishes gauNAvathAram from AzhwArs who are blessed by bhagavAn with full gyAnam? –
3. Do avathArams of bhagavAn happen only in particular manvantharam?
4. Is it true that SrI rAma and lakshmaNa hunted for animals and consumed meat?
5. Lord krishNa’s final days were very painful. What was the reason for such suffering?
6. Some believe that uththara kAnda is later addition in SrIrAmAyaNa? Is this true?
7. In SrIrAmAyaNam why most of female monkeys are in normal human forms and not monkey forms?
8. After vAli died, is it true that his wife thArA was owned by sugrIva?
9. Who was jatAyu? What was his relationship with lord rAma?
10. Is it true that there are two varAha avathArams?
11. Why lord rAma always holds bow and arrow even when he is not in war?
12. SrIrAmAyaNam teaches us many lessons to be applied in our lives. how to study the grantham?
13. bhagavAn decides to be born thrice from a mother’s womb. Please explain.
14. krishNa grants mOksham to dhadhipANda and his pot. Please explain how a pot was liberated?
15. Why did Krishna being supreme lord waited until sudhAmA approached him for help?
16. What is avathAram?
17. Is bhagavAn’s body just a human form like us or is it Suddha sathva thirumEni?
18. In kAkAsura charithram Lord Rama is referred as kAkuthstha. Please explain –
19. http://Why don’t we find charithram of kalki like rest of avathArams?
20. parAnkuSa nAyaki’s love towards bhagavAn is compared to fish in mathsyAvathAram. Explain.
21. What kind of responsibilities bhagavAn has in vaikuNtam/milky ocean? How are they different?
22. In few purANas it is mentioned that bhagavAn vishNu worshipped Siva. Kindly explain.
23. It is said that bhagavAn’s lotus eyes reveal his supremacy and simplicity. Kindly explain.
24. In SrIrAmAyaNam we don’t see major role of Sathrugna. Kindly elaborate.
25. Why is it that we don’t see much of childhood stories of SrI rAma in SrIrAmAyaNam?
26. SrI rAma declared himself to be a hu being, then how could he grant mOksham to jatAyu?
27. Kindly explain thripura samhAra details.
28. What is the inner meaning of lord krishNa acting against dharmam in battle field?
29. Did SrI rAma worship Siva in rAmESvaram in the form of a linga?